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Private agency steps in to manage Sarvodayapuram solid waste treatment plant

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The Times of India             06.01.2014

Private agency steps in to manage Sarvodayapuram solid waste treatment plant

ALAPPUZHA: The Alappuzha municipality has decided to entrust the operation of its defunct Sarvodayapuram solid waste treatment plant to a private agency this week. The plant is expected to primarily manage waste from Alappuzha town.

The agency will charge Rs 4 per kg of waste to be disposed from commercial establishments, and will not collect waste from households, initially.

The municipality set up the treatment plant in 2010 at Sarvodayapuram in Mararikkulam with the help of Andhra Pradesh Technology Development Corporation (APTDC). However, the plant has not functioned well since its inauguration, and the municipality ended up dumping waste in the plant. However, the civic body had to stop dumping after local residents of Sarvodayapuram blocked its trucks on December 17.

The new agency has promised to convert waste into manure and also produce feed for fish and pigs. The plastic waste will be sold to recycling units.

Municipal chairperson Mercy Diana Masido said they had prepared an agreement for the purpose. It will soon be inked by the civic body and the private agency.

""We will hold a meeting in two days to finalize the agreement. After that, the private agency can use the plant for waste management. Hotels, abattoirs and shops will be charged a small fee for waste disposal. The municipality will provide its vehicles to the agency for a fee to shift waste from town," said Masido.

Malinya Nirmarjana Samithy member C S Sethunath said they would only approve municipality's move after the agency proves that it can manage and treat waste from the plant effectively. "We will not attend any meeting and listen to the words of the municipality as we have been cheated by them. They should act first," he said.