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Corporator to launch waste segregation project

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The Times of India                09.01.2014 

Corporator to launch waste segregation project

NASHIK: Corporator of ward no. 18 (b) and leader of the House Shashikant Jadhav will soon be launching a project on an experimental basis for segregation of waste at the spot of collection in his ward.

As of now, the waste collected from the city is segregated at the dumping yard. This does not ensure total segregation of wet and dry waste due to which optimum conversion could not be done. Moreover, harmful objects like glass pieces, needles and other such material are also dumped along with dry waste.

On this backdrop, Jadhav will be launching a pilot project in his ward which can be emulated throughout the city depending upon its success.

"I have spoken to the municipal commissioner about the project. This will be a model project in my ward. I am conducting meetings with the citizens and making them aware that garbage should be segregated by them in their houses before handing it over to the garbage vans. For the purpose, I will provide waste disposal bags to the citizens. We will be placing some stands with different bags in which different types of waste will be disposed. The type of waste such as wet, dry, plastic, glass, etc., to be dumped will be written on each bag," Jadhav said, adding that these stands will be placed in the corner of every street in the ward.

"Plastic and glass are saleable items and hence, the NMC can take a decision in this regard. Wet waste can be used to make compost or generate power. Only when segregation is done at the collection site rather than at the dumping site, the compost plant will function efficiently. No municipal corporation is managing its compost plant on its own; only Nashik is. There is no machinery anywhere in the world that can completely segregate the waste," Jadhav said.

He added that once the project is implemented successfully in his ward, the exercise will be carried out in other parts of the city as well.