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MCC will catch them young to teach waste segregation

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The Times of India           05.02.2014

MCC will catch them young to teach waste segregation

MYSORE: To effectively manage solid waste and to involve schoolchildren in the process, Mysore City Corporation will give hands-on training to students in waste segregation. To start with, MCC will educate government school students on the ill-effects of mismanagement of garbage.

Earlier, MCC had conducted several drives on the issue. Now, the civic body is catching young students so they can communicate the same to their parents and ensure proper segregation of waste at the source. Accordingly, the children will be taught on how biodegradable waste can be utilized effectively, instead of disposing them. According to MCC, the initiative will help them segregate waste at the source besides driving home a message on environment.

T Girish Prasad, chairman of public health, education and social justice committee, told TOI that many people are not aware of the benefits of segregating dry and wet waste. "We teach children the uses of dry and wet waste, like making compost and preparing gift articles from them," he said.

The authorities are also planning to stage street plays, dramas and other activities. Prasad said that they are taking the help of some NGOs to involve children in street plays and dramas to create awareness among general public.

During Ganesha festival last year, MCC had educated children on the ill-effects of immersing chemical-laced idols in water bodies. "The drive helped to a certain extent," Prasad said, hoping that their latest drive will also prove helpful.