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State master plan for solid waste disposal

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The Times of India         09.10.2014    

State master plan for solid waste disposal


GURGAON: The state urban local bodies department has sought inputs from 78 state municipal bodies, including MCG, to prepare a state-level master plan for an integrated solid waste management system, to be reviewed and approved by the National Green Tribunal.

Officials say most existing solid waste treatment plants do not meet WHO pollution norms. The state government has already hired a consultant to advise it on the technology to be used to treat solid waste and the manpower and vehicles needed for it.

A senior MCG official said the urban local bodies department has asked all Haryana's 78 municipal bodies to provide information on the amounts of garbage they generate and methods they use to treat them. "Gurgaon, Faridabad and Panchkula generate maximum garbage, though Gurgaon and Faridabad don't have the means to dispose it. For the past year, the treatment plant here has been non-functional," senior MCG official added.

"About 500 tonnes of garbage is generated daily in Gurgaon. At present we simply dump it in the landfill inside Bandhwari treatment plant," said the official.