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Waste segregation gains momentum

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The Times of India      24.12.2014   

Waste segregation gains momentum


MYSURU: Waste segregation is slowly gaining acceptance in the city. More than 3,000 households from wards 26, 27 and 28 have actively taken up the practice, according to V-LEAD Parissaraan and MCC officials who jointly conducted a door-to-door campaign on Wednesday. The campaigners stressed the importance of creating awareness about the value of segregating waste, as well as the responsibility that citizens had when it came to disposing of garbage.

Volunteers, V-LEAD Staff and MCC officials actively participated in campaign and distributed brochures stressing on the need to segregate waste as WET and DRY.

Residents said that they sincerely appreciated the work put in by waste collectors. Participating in the campaign, R Balasubramaniam, founder, SVYM, emphasized the importance of hygiene workers being properly outfitted with gloves, boots and masks in the interests of overall health and sanitation.

MCC officials including environmental engineer Myravathy, health inspectors Srikant Vibhuti and Kumbarkoppal, Recycling unit members, V-LEAD staffs including Manoj Sebastien, Bellegowda, RameshKikkeri and participated in an open house discussion on issues pertaining to sanitation and the need for better solutions. The session ended with the participants agreeing that segregation be made mandatory in households. MCC should impose fine against who throw wastes on roads, the participants said.