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Lalur issue: judge reviews Corporation measures

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The Hindu 04.11.2009

Lalur issue: judge reviews Corporation measures

Staff Reporter

B. Kemal Pasha makes second inspection of garbage ground

— PHOTO: K.K. Najeeb

TAKING ACTION: District and Sessions Judge B. Kemal Pasha inspects the waste treatment plant at Lalur near Thrissur on Tuesday under the direction of the High Court.

Thrissur: District Judge B. Kemal Pasha on Tuesday visited the waste dumping site and treatment plant at Lalur to review the progress of steps promised by the Corporation to solve problems over garbage disposal.

On the basis of a public interest petition filed by P. D. Joseph, a Division Bench had on October 22 directed the District Judge to visit the place and submit a report.

This was his second visit to Lalur. On August 12, he had visited the place and collected details under the direction of the High Court. He told reporters that his preliminary assessment revealed that the Lalur treatment plant now looked better than how it did during his previous visit.

“The Corporation has initiated certain problem-solving measures it had cited in the undertaking submitted to the High Court. Local residents too agree there are some changes in Lalur. It does not mean everything is hunky-dory. Flies still swarm over the site. I guess the place will not look the same when it rains. People still have complaints about garbage disposal,” he said.

He asked Corporation officials whether waste from Vilvattom, Ollukkara and Koorkenchery panchayats was being disposed at Lalur now.

The panchayats, which were made a part of the Corporation a few years ago, reportedly had their own municipal waste disposal systems. The judge wanted to inspect the register at the treatment plant recording quantity and source of waste. He found a brand new register there.

“According to the new register, which records activities from November 1, waste from the three panchayats is not being brought to Lalur. Officials tell me the old register is kept at the health inspector’s office at Aranattukara,” he said.

He asked the Corporation secretary to reveal the number of wards from where waste was currently being transported to Lalur. The secretary did not have an off-hand reply and agreed to give it in writing.

Corporation officials and technical consultants explained to the judge the proposed in-situ capping in a section of the trenching ground.

“Accumulated waste will be compressed and covered with 10 cm thick red earth. It will be re-compressed and covered with 1.5mm thick in-situ HDP liner and 35 mm thick red earth. Plants and shrubs will be grown over it. The area will be converted into a park,” officials told the judge.

The judge queried officials about apprehensions of the public relating to leachate.

Leachate pumping

“Leachate will be pumped using 160 mm high-density polyethelene pipe from a tank in the waste treatment plant to a leachate treatment plant. It will not be let out through an open drain,” officials said.

The Judge inspected newly-constructed sheds on the southern and eastern sides of the treatment plant and reviewed the progress of the construction of a weigh bridge, septic tanks and leachate tank.

Corporation officials informed the judge that tender proceedings for setting up nine biogas plants were over. The Corporation had told the High Court it would set up nine biogas plants to reduce the amount of waste being brought to Lalur.

The judge also quizzed officials on vermicompost schemes and disbursement of medical relief for Lalur residents.

“I will submit the report within three or four days,” the judge said. In a memorandum submitted to the judge, the Lalur Malineekarana Virudha Samara Samithy alleged that the Corporation had not initiated measures cited in the counter-affidavit filed at the High Court including finding an alternative waste disposal site, prohibiting use of plastic in the Corporation limits and penal action against dumping waste at public places.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2009 04:59