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Noisy scenes in Council over fire at waste treatment plant

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The Hindu 29.01.2010

Noisy scenes in Council over fire at waste treatment plant

Staff Reporter

KOCHI: The fire that broke out at the Brahmapuram solid waste treatment plant premises of the Kochi Corporation last week ignited noisy scenes at the Corporation Council on Thursday.

As the Council met, the Opposition councillors raised the demand for a vigilance inquiry into the setting up of the plant and also the fire incident.

They alleged that there were widespread irregularities in the setting up of the plant.

They also alleged faulty construction of the building, sinking of the floor of the plant and the defects that the machines developed.

The allegations provoked the ruling front councillors who stood up in defence of the civic administration.

The Opposition councillors also asked why the Mayor Mercy Williams had not turned up at the plant site following the fire incident.

In her reply, the Mayor said that she was away at Thiruvananthapruam attending a conference.

She also added that she had given necessary instructions to those concerned following the incident. Ms. Williams also asked why the members of the Health Standing Committee including the leader of the UDF councillors failed to turn up at the plant site to manage the situation.

The Mayor’s poser provoked the Opposition councillors who stood up raising objections and the Council proceedings were disrupted in the shouting and arguments that followed.

As the noisy scenes continued, the Mayor cut short the proceedings.

The Opposition councillors later staged a dharna outside the Mayor’s chamber.

Last Updated on Friday, 29 January 2010 02:42