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Pirana dumping ground to turn oasis

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The Times of India 14.07.2009

Pirana dumping ground to turn oasis

Ahmedabad : A mountain of filth will soon get transformed into an oasis. In an ambitious plan, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is developing Pirana dumping site into a green zone. They are also considering setting up an entertainment zone in the area.

The project is on the lines of Gorai dumping ground in Mumbai, which was converted into green landscaped spaces. Pirana closure project is part of the Rs 187-crore solid waste management project of AMC under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

Says a senior AMC official, "Closure involves advanced capping technology in which layers of earth, gravel and impermeable material will be used to seal the dump completely. We are also exploring the huge potential of trapped gases there, mainly methane. Extracted methane can be directly fed to nearby industries and will help in eliminating use of traditional fuels like coal and lignite."

AMC authorities have also undertaken a pilot project to measure methane concentration at the site. According to an estimate, 950 cubic metres can be expected to be extracted daily.

"The idea is to develop a green belt over Pirana dumping site. We are also developing a scientific sanitary landfill site at Gyaspur and work on the first cell is complete," says health and solid waste management chairman Praful Rawal.

The Pirana dump site is spread over 84 hectares and has been in operation since 1980. It receives 2,300 metric tonnes of solid municipal waste per day.

AMC officials will incorporate environmental mitigation measures, including an impermeable surface cover with geo-textile, top soil and vegetation layers. The site will also have landfill gas collection and leachate, the liquid that drains or leaches from a landfill, collection and treatment systems.