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‘Cities must have waste processing sites’

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The New Indian express 24.02.2010

‘Cities must have waste processing sites’

BANGALORE: “Collecting waste unmixed from door to door, treating it as wealth, and recycling as much of it as possible is one of the best ways to minimise dumping problems, said Almitra H Patel, member, Supreme Court Committee for Solid Waste Management.

Presenting a paper on ‘Appropriate Urban Sanitation: Best Practices’ at a one-day workshop on ‘Sanitation, Governance and Technology Options’, she shared her experiences about zero dustbin and zero waste town project taken up in Suryapet and emphasised the need to collect waste unmixed, ‘wet’ every 24 hours and spoke about compost wet waste.

She said that keeping the waste unmixed even during transportation is a must and cities must collect only wet waste daily at doorstep for composting. Dry waste can be collected once or twice a week, she added.

Speaking about the solutions mentioned in the latest national policy ‘Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000’ (MSW Rules), she explained the importance of procuring a waste processing and disposal site as per the MSW Rules. She said that it should be the immediate task for any city or town. “This applies to all towns and cities with over a population of over 20,000,” she added.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:27