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Residents oppose waste treatment plant proposal

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The Hindu 15.03.2010

Residents oppose waste treatment plant proposal

Special Correspondent

Details of the project hidden from the public, alleges environmentalist

Kozhikode: The Kozhikode Corporation's proposal to set up a sewage plant near the Sarovaram Bio-Park will not be allowed, a meeting of local residents announced on Sunday.

A. Achyuthan, environmentalist, said at the meeting that the finer details of the project had been kept hidden from the public and it was undemocratic to execute a project without public debate.

Proper study

A proper study of the environmental impact should be done, he said. P. Kishenchand, Corporation councillor, said he had opposed it as a councillor since as the project cost was proposed to be met with funds from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). There were strong reasons to suspect corruption in the project, he added.

The resistance committee office-bearers said the region between Arayidathupalam and Eranhipalam will become inhospitable with the coming of the plant.

The pumping of recycled waste water into the Canoly Canal would cause floods during monsoon, they said.

Representatives of residents' associations said alternative methods for treating waste and waste water should be explored instead of bringing waste water (for treatment) to thickly populated areas.

There should be decentralised treatment, they said.

The meeting said residents explore legal options to defeat the Corporation move. Manjeri Sunderraj, social activist, presided over the meeting.

Last Updated on Monday, 15 March 2010 07:50