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Solid Waste Management

1000 kg of bio-medical waste mix with municipal waste per day in Indore

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The Times of India            26.08.2013

1000 kg of bio-medical waste mix with municipal waste per day in Indore

INDORE: Everyday nearly one tonne of bio-medical waste are getting mixed with municipal waste posing serious health hazards. City generates around 3 tonnes of bio-medical waste per day out of which only 2 tonnes of it is getting disposed properly, while one tonne mainly generated from dispensaries and clinics are mixing with MSW of the city.

Asad Warsi of Hostech Eco Management Pvt Ltd, company which is into business of disposing bio-medical waste, said every hospitals and dispensaries generates bio-medical waste as well as municipal waste, so segregation of bio-medical waste at origin point is very import. Unfortunately it is not done at dispensaries spread across the city.

City has 287 hospitals and over 1300 dispensaries, many of which are located in residential complex. Hospitals of the city pay to agency for collection and disposal of bio-medical waste and Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) provides them a dedicated service for collection and disposal of municipal waste. But dispensaries and clinics are not taking segregation of waste seriously.

"One clinic may not produce a big amount of bio-medical waste but all the dispensaries of the city put together generates a good amount of it," said Warsi.

He addes bio-medical waste are very infectious and even a small amount of it can do great damage. One tonnes of bio-medical waste can infect total MSW produced in the city (700-800 tonnes of MSW produced daily) after getting mixed. This infected MSW get converted into compost at treatment plant and this compost used in agriculture field can pollute our food chain posing a threat to our health.

Realising the health hazard, IMC had started a dedicated service for collection of MSW from hospital in 2007 but it failed to produce desired result. In the absence of adequate number of vehicles for collecting MSW from hospitals waste are lifted only once in a week or fortnight.

Warsi said there is immediate need to increase the vehicles for this job so MSW can be lifted daily reducing the chances of its mixing with bio-medical waste. In addition to this civic should come up with a plan for dispensaries to prevent mixing of MSW with bio-medical waste.

City engineer of IMC Harbhajan Singh said two days back a meeting with association of hospitals and nursing homes was held to discuss the issue of waste management. IMC has proposed revised rate for collection of MSW from hospital and rates have been fixed in a way that earning from it can take care of vehcile's maintenance. Beside civic body is also planning to buy new vehicles.

As far dispensaries are concern plans are afoot to carry out random checking at dispensaries and if they were found mixing bio-medical waste with municipal waste then instant fine will be imposed.


PMC to take up matter with MSEDCL, contractor

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The Indian Express         26.08.2013

PMC to take up matter with MSEDCL, contractor

With no progress in the Pune Municipal Corporation's (PMC) waste-to-power project that was to provide supply to MSEDCL, the civic administration has decided to take up the matter with the power utility besides seeking reply from the private company roped in to implement the project for the civic body.

"It has been over a year but there is no progress on the project," said Pramod Yadav, Special Executive Officer, PMC.

He said the civic body has been making presentations on the project at various forums. There are several queries and visitors from across the country and abroad come to see the project, he added.

Yadav said the civic body would soon provide power supply to MSEDCL while urging other civic bodies to take up such projects. "We have no clue why the project is being delayed. A meeting of the contractor and the power utility authorities has been called by the civic administration to address the issue," he added.

Under the project, which the civic body had taken up on built-operate and transfer (BOT) basis, around 700 tonnes of dry waste will be processed daily to generate 12 MW. The private company, Rochem Green Energy, will run the project for 30 years and the civic body will be responsible for providing dry waste every day for the smooth functioning of the plant.

The company has invested Rs 150 crore and expects to recover costs by selling power to MSEDCL.

Yadav said the trials of the project have been giving good results with the power generated being used at the plant premises. Earlier, the civic body had successfully used power generated from waste to light up gardens and streetlights through biogas plants across the city.


A2Z told to enhance manpower to clean city

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The Times of India          24.08.2013

A2Z told to enhance manpower to clean city

KANPUR: A2Z officials were told to enhance the man and mechanical power to lift the garbage and make city clean.

Municipal commissioner DK Singh said 100% collection of garbage be made everywhere and A2Z should depute more men and mechanical force for the purpose.

Repair of 50 containers every week and place them at appropriate places. Repairing of vehicles should be taken on priority basis, he ordered.

Earlier A2Z officials told Singh that the company was collecting garbage partially in 93 out of 110 wards. As many as 347 rickshaws were involved in the job and by August 31 numbers of rickshaw would be enhanced to 500. Similarly as many as 694 containers had been placed at various places.

There number would also be increased by 1,000 by the end of the month.

The officials said that 67 dumpers and eight compactors were engaged in lifting of garbage.

The number would also be increased by the end of the month.

A target of Rs 30 lakh had been fixed as collection of user charges in August. Singh asked officials to submit the work plan for September by August 27.


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