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Solid Waste Management

Sonsoddo DPR scanned, submitted to Margao Municipal Council CO

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The Times of India                28.02.2013

Sonsoddo DPR scanned, submitted to Margao Municipal Council CO

MARGAO: The technical team of the Margao Municipal Council (MMC) has concluded scrutinizing the financial estimates contained in the detailed project report (DPR) of the scientific capping of the Sonsoddo garbage dump, which was submitted by consultant K R Gopalkrishnan earlier this month. The report, along with the observations made by the technical department, was forwarded to chief officer Sandhya Kamat on Wednesday for necessary action.

Official sources said that the technical team found some discrepancies in the Goa Schedule of Rates (GSR) based on which the estimates were prepared in the DPR and also raised queries over matters relating to computation of the estimates.

Kamat, when contacted, said that she was yet to go through the report, but said that the DPR will be placed before the council for its approval. Sources said that once it is approved by the council, the DPR will be forwarded to the PWD for obtaining technical sanction for the project and simultaneously to the government for seeking financial approval. Once that is done, the MMC will invite tenders for execution of the project that is likely to take six months to one year for completion. Sources in the know said that it will take at least over a month for the modalities to be completed before tenders are invited for the project.

As per the estimates contained in the DPR, the scientific closure of the garbage dump will cost the MMC 7.6 crore, while the operational and maintenance cost of the capping will cost another 5.7 lakh per year.

The upgradation work at the site entails re-engineering of the accumulated waste, development of appropriate slopes, and scientific closure as per the Municipal Solid Waste (handling and management) Rules, 2000. As per the DPR, the activity includes reengineered landfill area with adequate slopes and leachate collection facilities, final cover system, landfill gas management system, leachate collection and treatment facility, storm water drainage facilities, green belt, access road, environmental monitoring mechanism such as ground water monitoring wells and air quality monitoring mechanisms.

The effective area of the garbage dump to be capped is almost 15,000 sq m while the effective volume of the garbage is nearly 1.6 lakh cubic m.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 April 2013 06:43

Corporation does a clean act

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The Hindu                              27.02.2013

Corporation does a clean act

Staff Reporter 

An impressive effort on the part of the city Corporation over the past three days presented a much cleaner version of a city steeped in a garbage crisis to the thousands of devotees who arrived here to participate in the annual Attukal Pongala festival. On Tuesday night, the momentum was sustained with over 1,600 workers, under the leadership of the civic body’s health officers and inspectors, engaged in a cleaning exercise that began soon after the festivities at 3 p.m.

Ending with a flourish, standing committee chairperson V.S. Padmakumar said they “would create rainfall in front of the Secretariat,” implying that six tanker lorries had been deployed to spray water to clean the roads of all the ash and food that had stained the arterial city road. The initial plan was to wash the length of road until the East Fort area, but the exercise would be carried out depending on how long the water — pumped from ponds under the Corporation’s jurisdiction — would last.

The entire cost of the last-minute city clean-up undertaken entirely by the civic body cost Rs.2 lakh, said officials. On Tuesday, 63 squads scoured the area around the temple and carted off the waste to two locations — Chala, beside the Attakulangara bypass, and Palayam market. Previously, they had planned four centres to dump the garbage, but two sufficed. Over 125 loads of garbage were collected, which weighed 700 tonnes,saidMr. Padmakumar.


Last Updated on Thursday, 18 April 2013 06:42

Garbage collection contract extended due to delay in implementation of new system

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The Times of India                         22.02.2013

Garbage collection contract extended due to delay in implementation of new system

NASHIK: The contract of the garbage van services, due to expire on Thursday, has been extended as the e-tenders for the new contract have not yet been opened.

E-tenders were floated early this month and the process was expected to be completed by February 22.

The Nashik Municipal Corporation's (NMC's) standing committee had, on February 12, extended the contract of the present contractor till February 21. The contract for collecting garbage expired on August 22, 2012 and was extended by the standing committee by six months till February 21 as the civic body could not take any firm decision on the implementation of the garbage collection system in the city.

On August 23, 2012, all the corporators had demanded prabhag-wise garbage collection and municipal commissioner Sanjay Khandare had drafted a proposal for the same. The administration had tabled a proposal of Rs 11 crore to appoint garbage van contractors at the general body meeting held on December 14, 2012, but after heated discussions, the mayor had finally announced the implementation of the project at the divisional-level instead of giving the entire city's garbage collection to a single contractor.

The process of implementing the project began after nearly two months, reportedly because the civic administration had not received the copy of the resolution of the general body meeting (GBM). Early this month the e-tenders were floated and the new system of collecting garbage was to begin from February 22.

An official of the health department informed that the implementation of the project would take some more days as the e-tenders have not yet been opened. He said the tenders were likely to be opened in a week's time after which the new contractors could take charge of the new method of garbage collection. "Till then, the present contractor will continue to collect the garbage," he said.
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 April 2013 06:42

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