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Solid Waste Management

Project to tap power from plastic waste

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The Hindu                       16.02.2013

Project to tap power from plastic waste

Staff Reporter

Minister for Urban Affairs Manjalamkuzhi Ali has said that a plant to produce electricity from plastic waste will be established in Kollam. A total of six such plants will be established in different parts of the State.

Mr. Ali was addressing a gathering after inaugurating a modern fish market inside the Polayathodu public market complex here on Friday.

He said that such plants would to some extent be a solution for garbage treatment and disposal.

There was no fund paucity for development projects in the State. Various development projects worth Rs.2,500 were being carried out in the city Corporation and municipal areas of the State, the Minister said.

He called for a united approach above political consideration for the time-bound completion of these projects.

The Minister said that if the civic authorities of Kollam were prepared to allocate 50 cents of land, a modern market complex with Central government fund support can be constructed.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 February 2013 10:09

Plastic waste catches fire at Brahmapuram

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The Hindu                          16.02.2013

Plastic waste catches fire at Brahmapuram

Fire-fighters dousing the fire that broke out at the plastic dumping yard at Brahmapuram on Friday.— Photo: Vipin Chandran
Fire-fighters dousing the fire that broke out at the plastic dumping yard at Brahmapuram on Friday.— Photo: Vipin Chandra.

Plastic refuse heaped at the Brahmapuram solid waste treatment plant of the Kochi Corporation caught fire on Friday, causing hardship to residents of nearby areas.

Thick smoke, billowing out of the burning heaps, made fire-fighting difficult for the nearly 30 rescue personnel.

Firemen had a tough time trying to reach the source of fire as thick fumes emanating from the plastic heaps reduced visibility in the area.

Shortage of water for dousing the flames also affected fire-fighting and the firemen had to collect water from local sources including the river flowing through the area

Incidentally, this is the third major fire that has broken out at the plastic dumping yard of the corporation in as many as four years.

Plastic waste collected from different parts of the city had been piled up at the open yard of the plant for the past two years. The functioning of the plant has not been affected as the refuse was stored some 500 metres away from the yard, said T.K. Ashraf, chairman of the Health Standing Committee of the Kochi Corporation.

Fire-fighters, who returned from the site after dousing the fire in the forenoon, had to be called back as fresh fire broke out from the garbage heaps on being churned by an excavator. New fire broke out from the melting refuse after it was churned in the process of controlling the fire. Over 30 men had to fight the flames all through the day to bring it under control, said a fire-fighter.

Fire tenders from Gandhi Nagar, Tripunithura and Thrikkakkara were pressed into action.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 February 2013 10:05

Civic body to start solid waste management from tomorrow

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The Times of India                      15.02.2013

Civic body to start solid waste management from tomorrow

AURANGABAD: The Aurangabad Municipal Corporation on Thursday announced that solid waste management will start on February 16 at Ward-D, comprising 16 electoral wards. The agency hired by the AMC to lift garbage called off its services more than six months ago over non-payment of dues by the civic body.

The inauguration of the pilot project of lifting garbage in two shifts (night and day) has been scheduled at 9 pm in Paithan Gate area.

AMC health officer Jayashri Kulkarni told TOI: "Depending on the results and experience we get from the pilot project, it will be implemented in the rest of the city with suitable changes if required.

AMC sources said, the pilot project was scheduled to start on February 13 but was postponed because mayor Kala Ojha was not available for the inaugural function.

The reason for selecting Ward-D is that it comprises the areas considered to be the heart of the city and has all the major commercial, residential and educational infrastructure, said Kulkarni.

She also said that the AMC has hired tippers for transporting the garbage to the dumping ground in Naregaon but, they are of lesser capacity. AMC sources said that the civic body has hired three labourers on contract for working in the night shift which will be from 10 pm to 2 am.

As a part of the pilot project, the AMC will keep five containers and nine hook loaders across Ward-D. These hook loaders and the containers will be lifted by the sanitary staff in the morning between 10 am and 2 pm and in the night between 10 pm and 2 am, sources said.

Kulkarni said that, as a part of project, night focus lamps have been installed at the Naregaon dumping ground and the concerned department has been asked to ensure that the labourers are not facing any dog nuisance there.
Last Updated on Friday, 15 February 2013 11:46

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