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Solid Waste Management

The process of awarding solid waste contracts still on: Mayor

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The Hindu 06.02.2010

The process of awarding solid waste contracts still on: Mayor

Staff Correspondent

Pourakarmikas urged not to heed rumours

‘We’ll have pre-condition before signing MoU’

HUBLI: Hubli-Dharwad Mayor Viranna Savadi has said that the issue of awarding solid waste management contracts was still under process and appealed to pourakarmikas not to heed rumours being spread by vested interests.

Addressing presspersons here on Friday, Mr. Savadi clarified that there would be no threat to the jobs of pourakarmikas who were being hired on contract basis by contractors.

He said that as per the direction of the Supreme Court, the State Government’s Department of Municipal Administration had formulated a policy and rules on solid waste management. Accordingly, the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation had called for Expression of Interest to which 10 firms had responded with proposals.

Subsequently, a consultant was appointed by the district administration to look into the proposals and conduct a survey on solid waste management requirements of the twin cities. The firm had conducted a survey in the twin cities for three months and submitted a report to the district administration, he said.

Mr. Savadi said that later the issue of solid waste management was placed before the council meeting of the corporation.

The issue was approved unanimously in November 2009 and was confirmed during the council meeting of December 2009.

He said that the Department of Municipal Administration had suggested some modifications in the proposals. These modifications would be sent to the secretary concerned and then placed before the Cabinet for approval.

Mr. Savadi clarified that under the proposal a solid waste processing unit had be set up at a cost of Rs. 100 crore and the corporation had set aside Rs. 10 crore as its share from the Rs. 100 crore grant given to it.

He said that e-tenders called for for the project were yet to be finalised, and the rumours being spread about cleaning contracts being given to foreign companies had no truth in them. He, however, clarified that although those who had participated in the tender process were Indian firms. They would be having collaboration with foreign firms only for technology and not for manpower, he said.

“While signing a memorandum of understanding we will put a pre-condition that local persons should be employed for the works,” he said.

He said that some vested interests were trying to mislead the pourakarmikas and also the contractors and those having doubts on the project should directly approach the Municipal Commissioner or officials concerned or himself.

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 February 2010 02:07

Kochi Corporation yet to decide on Brahmapuram

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The Hindu 01.02.2010

Kochi Corporation yet to decide on Brahmapuram

Staff Reporter

Management of treatment plant may be given to an NGO


Opposition demands probe into setting up of treatment plant

Urgent repair works need to be done at plant, says Mayor Mercy Williams

KOCHI: The indecision over the management of the Brahmapuram solid waste treatment plant continues with the Kochi Corporation considering the option of assigning the task to an NGO.

An earlier proposal for entrusting the task with a private agency was dropped, as it demanded a considerable amount for carrying out the repair works and running the plant. The corporation had been seeking some agencies for running the plant it had established with the support of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

The private agency demanded Rs.2.5 lakh a day for operating the plant, which was unaffordable for the civic body, said Mercy Williams, Kochi Mayor.

Moreover, they didn’t have the expertise for running such a venture. The civic body cannot take the risk of assigning such an important responsibility to an inexperienced agency, Ms. Williams said.

The Brahmapuram issue has attained political overtones in the Corporation Council with the Congress-led opposition raking up the issue of faulty performance and defects that the machinery had developed.

The Opposition councillors had also staged a sit-in dharna outside the chamber of the Kochi Mayor last week demanding an inquiry by the State Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau into the setting up of the plant and related issues.

Meanwhile, the corporation has initiated a discussion with Centre for Environment and Development, which is running a project for solid waste management in Thiruvananthapuram city. The agency was selected as the centre for excellence by the Ministry of Urban Development. It was also the regional resource agency of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and also the accredited agency of Kerala government for solid waste management and participatory resource mapping, according to its website.

The government has initiated a discussion for the Kochi Corporation with the agency.

A political decision will have to be taken regarding the selection of the agency, Ms. Williams said.

The rates and other factors have not been discussed. The civic authorities hope that the agency may agree to run the plant on a no loss-no profit basis, she said.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 February 2010 01:52

Noisy scenes in Council over fire at waste treatment plant

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The Hindu 29.01.2010

Noisy scenes in Council over fire at waste treatment plant

Staff Reporter

KOCHI: The fire that broke out at the Brahmapuram solid waste treatment plant premises of the Kochi Corporation last week ignited noisy scenes at the Corporation Council on Thursday.

As the Council met, the Opposition councillors raised the demand for a vigilance inquiry into the setting up of the plant and also the fire incident.

They alleged that there were widespread irregularities in the setting up of the plant.

They also alleged faulty construction of the building, sinking of the floor of the plant and the defects that the machines developed.

The allegations provoked the ruling front councillors who stood up in defence of the civic administration.

The Opposition councillors also asked why the Mayor Mercy Williams had not turned up at the plant site following the fire incident.

In her reply, the Mayor said that she was away at Thiruvananthapruam attending a conference.

She also added that she had given necessary instructions to those concerned following the incident. Ms. Williams also asked why the members of the Health Standing Committee including the leader of the UDF councillors failed to turn up at the plant site to manage the situation.

The Mayor’s poser provoked the Opposition councillors who stood up raising objections and the Council proceedings were disrupted in the shouting and arguments that followed.

As the noisy scenes continued, the Mayor cut short the proceedings.

The Opposition councillors later staged a dharna outside the Mayor’s chamber.

Last Updated on Friday, 29 January 2010 02:42

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