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In 2 weeks, just 2 public responses on new tax system

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Indian Express    27.10.2010

In 2 weeks, just 2 public responses on new tax system

sharvaripatwa Tags : Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, mumbai Posted: Wed Oct 27 2010, 05:20 hrs

Mumbai: Almost two weeks after the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) invited suggestions and objections from the public on the new capital value-based system of property tax assessment, the civic administration has so far received only two responses, both from Bhandup.

“We hope that the responses to the new tax system will pick up in coming weeks,” said Pralhad Kalkoti, deputy superintendent, New Tax Cell.

“So far, the suggestions are not qualitative,” said a senior department official. The suggestions urge the department not to levy tax on parking lots, basements etc. “These are absurd and ridiculous suggestions. This would overturn the original Act itself,” he said. “A reply objected the use of ready reckoner rates of tax.”

The suggestions and objections are from two housing socities in Bhandup. According to an official, all the residents of the housing society have signed the suggestion and objection letters and have sent them as one. As many as 70 residents have signed one letter of suggestion and objection, and in another case, as many as 42 have put forth their joint opinion. While not many seem to have responded to the draft of the new tax system, many have approched the ward offices to obtain copies of the new tax system. “So far, around 100 copies have been sold to the public,” said an official.

The last date for accepting suggestions and objections is November 16. The civic body will put up the draft rules on its website for a month during which it hopes to invite suggestions and objections from citizens, following which modifications will be made to the draft. Copy of the draft can be obtained from ward offices for Rs 10. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 11:18