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Taxpayers association opposes JNNURM extension

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The Hindu     01.11.2010

Taxpayers association opposes JNNURM extension

Staff Reporter

All the development activities have now come to a halt due to the lack of the funds

VIJAYAWADA: The Taxpayers' Association has demanded the State government not extend the JNNURM further, saying the scheme was being used for nothing but to cheat the taxpayers.

In a statement here on Sunday, association president V. Sambireddy said that instead of releasing Rs. 1,093 crore to the Municipal Corporation as per the recommendations made by first finance commission, the State government released only Rs. 7 crore in the last five years, he said.

Instead of releasing these funds it launched the JNNURM scheme, he said. In this scheme also the State government released only 11 per cent of the total funds of Rs. 470 crore, he said.

All the development activities have now come to a halt due to the lack of the funds at various levels.

Potholes in the roads, incomplete drainage works, delay in payment of teacher salaries, are some of the problems that are plaguing the Municipal Corporation because of the financial crunch.

Secretary M.V. Anjaneyulu said that the B.P.S. scheme, taxes on garbage, drinking water supply and drainage have been enhanced by VMC to raise the funds required for the scheme.

Taking all these issues into consideration we could say without a doubt that the JNNURM scheme was not a boon to the city, but a bane, he said.

It is not proper for the government to extend the scheme further. It should release the funds immediately as per the finance commission recommendations.