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MCD to get 10 crore from discoms

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The Hindu      20.11.2010

MCD to get 10 crore from discoms

Staff Reporter

NEW DELHI: After the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation paid up Rs.36 lakh to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi as the first instalment of the long overdue property tax recently, the civic body has now decided to recover a fixed amount of Rs. 10 crore from the private power distribution companies (discoms) towards service tax which is charged in lieu of property tax.

The MCD Special High-Power Property Tax Committee chairman Ved Prakash Gupta said on Friday that following a high-level meeting a decision was taken that the discoms would pay service tax to the civic body with effect from February 19.This would amount to about Rs.10 crore annually. The decision was taken at the meeting of municipal property tax officers and representatives of discoms convened by Delhi Chief Secretary.

“The MCD's efforts to recover property tax and service tax from government departments has started bea-ring fruits and would help improve the financial position of the civic body,” he added.