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Taxpayers oppose user charges

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The Hindu        06.12.2010

Taxpayers oppose user charges

Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA:The Taxpayers Association (TPA) termed the user charges for garbage lifting as undemocratic and unlawful. The Association wanted the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) to withdraw the user charges immediately.

Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, TPA president V. Sambi Reddy and secretary M.V. Anjaneyulu said that the Corporation was collecting conservancy tax, which is part of Property Tax (PT), for maintaining the sanitation etc. in the city. The user charges proposed for garbage would amount to double taxation for the same service. And, hence, it was unlawful.

More so, the VMC general body unanimously resolved against the user charges. Annulling the general body's resolution, the State government issued GO 973 which directs the Municipal Commissioner to take necessary steps for collecting user charges on municipal solid waste management. Memorandums were submitted to the then Mayor, deputy Mayor, Chief Minister and Municipal Administration minister. The people reacted vociferously against the proposal to levy user charges at many fora. And, it was evident, at a people ballot conducted by the CPI (M), and post card campaign. The people reacted in same fashion, when the CPI(M) conducted people ballot second time also, they said.

“Notwithstanding, the VMC served PT demand PT along with the user charges. The State government made a mockery of the public mood, and was implementing undemocratic policies,” they said. The burden would be Rs. 600 to Rs. 24,000 per annum on the people. And, the charges would increase year after year, as the user charges were aimed at collecting total operation and maintenance (O&M) cost, they said.