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Pay taxes by Dec 31 or go without water

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The Times of India         06.12.2010

Pay taxes by Dec 31 or go without water

LUCKNOW: With dwindling civic tax collection staring them in the face, municipal authorities have started an enforcement drive. Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has already attached properties of as many as four commercial establishments in Gomtinagar. And now Lucknow Jal Sansthan (now rechristened as Water Works Wing of LMC) is all geared up to cut water supply connections in case erring house owners do not pay their arrears.

Already, the LJS has started announcing the decision through loudspeakers in various zones of the city. Secretary, LJS, Raghuvendra Kumar said that the Sansthan has set a deadline of December 31, after which the enforcement would be carried out.

LJS sources said that only 50 per cent of the target revenue has been recovered from the house owners. Kumar said that essentially it is in the last four months that the rest of the revenue is recovered. Accordingly, the drive would be carried out in various zones of the state capital and the pending water tax dues would be recovered.

Sources said that each zone of the state capital is defaulting on a payment ranging between Rs 1.5 crore and Rs 5 crore. Interestingly, this is the payment which is due on the registered house owners. It does not take into account the number of illegal connections which often mar smooth water supply and in turn the revenue coming to the municipal body. The drive also stems from the possibility of an increased water tax at the start of next financial year. Linked to the house tax, the water tax is expected to increase by around 30 to 40 per cent.

However, the proposed hike has not gone down well with the municipal house which expressed its reservations over the issue in various meetings. Mayor Dinesh Sharma said that there was no point in increasing the water tax until proper and smooth water supply is not provided to the denizens.