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Landlords who don’t declare tenants face stiff action

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The Indian Express   17.08.2012

Landlords who don’t declare tenants face stiff action

South civic body says it has data on property tax evaders, writes to RWAs

Home owners who have rented out their property but not declared it are in for trouble, with the South Municipal Corporation gearing up to act against such defaulters.

The tax for rented property is double the tax for self-occupied spaces, and the civic agency had decided to rein in all such home and farmhouse owners.

In a letter dated August 14, 2012, the corporations asked the residents’ welfare associations of South Delhi to sensitise home owners against tax evasion.

The agency has also drawn up a list of such evaders, after obtaining information from the Registrar’s Office. Action will be taken against those who have underpaid their taxes for 2011-12. Officials said names of a few prominent persons are also on the list.

“It has come to our notice that there are many property owners who have rented their residential properties but they are either not paying property tax or paying less than the applicable tax for rented out residential properties, thus avoiding payment of appropriate property tax and causing revenue loss to the corporation. Thus, property tax department of South Delhi urges the residents not to follow malpractice and pay proper tax,” the letter said.

This letter, officials said, was a “gentle reminder” to all such defaulters. If the problem persists, strict action will be taken in accordance with the municipal rules.

According to the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, if the evasion exceed a sum of Rs 10 lakh, the offender can face rigorous imprisonment of a minimum three months and a maximum seven years along with a penalty that is not less than 50 per cent of the total sum.

For other cases, a rigorous imprisonment of one month to three years can be handed out. The penalty will not be less than 50 per cent of the amount evaded.

“We have collected data of rented out properties and sent a gentle reminder to RWAs to spread awareness against wrong practice of hiding facts regarding rented properties. We will verify the data we have received, before taking action,” said B N Singh, Assessor and Collector, South corporation.

Officials said the Delhi government data is being used to bring defaulters to task. This will help avoid any allegation of corruption, which could have been levelled if the agency had appointed own inspectors to collect information.

“We have proof against those who are paying tax on rented properties as self occupied properties. Action will be taken soon,” a senior official said.

In South zone there are 98,626 rented residential properties and Central zone has 75,718. The agency is yet to assemble the data for its West and Najafgarh zones.In Vasant Kunj there are 3,837 rented properties.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 August 2012 10:09