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Vadodara Municipal Corporation for smooth tax collection

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The Times of India                  17.04.2013

Vadodara Municipal Corporation for smooth tax collection

VADODARA: Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) that will begin issuing tax bills in the coming months has asked its officials to take a series of steps to ensure that the process is free of glitches. In the past, the process has been marred with errors and, in some cases, delays.

The VMC collects property tax and other charges from persons holding property in the city in advance every year. The bills for these are issued at the same time. Sources said the officials have been asked to ensure that citizens get the tax bills with a round seal mentioning the number of the ward in whose precincts the property is located. There are still several properties that are located in a particular ward, but get the bills from another.. tnn

The officials have been asked to ensure that any dispute regarding assessment of tax is resolved within a fortnight. They have also been asked to ensure that all debit or credit card swiping machines are in order and functioning during the process. Ensuring this and other facilities like cheque drop boxes will be the responsibility of ward officers.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 11:25