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BMC to have fresh review on holding tax

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The New Indian Express             18.09.2013

BMC to have fresh review on holding tax

A fresh review of a few selected buildings in the Capital city will be conducted to re-examine the holding tax  for these buildings.

BMC has assigned five junior engineers for examination of the buildings. They will conduct the assessment of the buildings whose holding tax may be revised.

BMC had recently evaluated the holding tax for the residential units as well as the commercial units. Sources in BMC said AG officials will reevaluate the holding tax details for more than 80 buildings in the City.

The re-examination is being done to gauge if BMC has assigned correct value for these properties or not. Based on the re-evaluation, the holding tax for these buildings may be enhanced or reduced.

The evaluation of holding tax for any property is done on the basis of the area and the location. The nature of use of the property is also taken into account.

Holding tax is the second highest revenue earner for the BMC which generates about Rs 20 crore. But the corporation faces a major challenge when it comes to revising the tax for the commercial and residential units.

Corporation officials face opposition every time they propose a hike in holding tax. A recent attempt by BMC to hike the tax met with stiff resistance. Eventually the High Court issued a stay order stating that BMC had not followed proper procedure for increasing the tax.