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MMC set to streamlinedues recovery process

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The Times of India 04.11.2009

MMC set to streamlinedues recovery process

MARGAO: Stung by criticism from various quarters over its laxity in recovering huge outstanding dues, estimated to be running into over Rs 5 crore, the Margao Municipal Council (MMC) has initiated measures to streamline the recovery process.

MMC chief officer Prasanna Acharya has now delineated tasks to the recovery officer of the civic body to get recover the dues in a time-bound manner. Towards that end, the MMC has prepared a list of high profile defaulters of house tax to whom notices have been dispatched.

They have been directed to pay up or face action. Interestingly, it has now come to light that most of the retail outlets of big brands located in the city have failed to pay their taxes to the MMC.

With as many as 40 major commercial units figuring in the list of defaulters, the MMC is hopeful of recovering close to Rs 50 lakh from them.

"Retail outlets of cellular companies, offices of insurance companies, reputed builders and business houses are included in the list of house tax defaulters. Besides, there are a couple of government offices and a tourist hostel, figuring in the list.

The office of the South Goa Consumer Disputes Redressal forum has also not paid house tax for years and its arrears amount to over Rs 57,000," MMC chairperson Savio Coutinho told TOI.

The MMC has also issued one last reminder to the each of the defaulting sopo contractors, sources informed.

Expressing his determination to crack the whip against defaulters, Coutinho said that the council was in the process of tapping various revenue resources to strengthen its coffers.

"I am of the opinion that the MMC can be self-sufficient as far as its financial standing is concerned provided all its resources are efficiently tapped," he said.