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Margao civic body cracks whip on tax defaulters

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The Times of India 20.11.2009

Margao civic body cracks whip on tax defaulters

MARGAO: Zero tolerance towards illegalities. That apparently was the message sent out by the chief officer of the Margao Municipal Council (MMC) Prasanna Acharya when he did a round of the city on Thursday paying visits personally to the several big commercial units which had defaulted in paying taxes to the civic body for the last several years, and issuing notices to pay up their dues.

A private sector bank, which, according to MMC sources, owed the council some Rs 4.25 lakh towards house tax arrears, was one of those units that came under the radar of the MMC authorities. Confirming this, Acharya said that the bank authorities have agreed to pay up the outstanding amount by Friday.

"I accompanied the taxation officers of the MMC with a view to sending out a strong message that such blatant evasion of taxes by business establishments will not be tolerated. Besides, I wanted to develop the much needed confidence among the staff to deal against big time defaulters with an iron hand," Acharya told TOI, adding that shoring up the revenue of the civic body ranked high among his priorities.

"Punitive action against defaulters will follow. But recovering the revenue of the council is what I am focusing on. We have listed out over 50 establishments who owe the council Rs 25,000 and above by way of taxes. We will issue notices to all and take necessary action against those not clearing their dues," Acharya said.

The MMC, sources informed, also cracked a whip against a branded sports and accessories showroom by slapping a fine of Rs 5,000 per day for operating the unit without obtaining trade license. The MMC recovered an amount of Rs 30,000 towards penalties from the outlet before granting it the trade license, sources added.

Notice has also been slapped on a call centre that was operating from the open terrace of a building in the city without obtaining trade license. The MMC has directed the call centre to pay a penalty of Rs 5,000 per day till the trade license is obtained.