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Civic body brings back dog tax: Rs 5 a month

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Indian Express 15.12.2009

Civic body brings back dog tax: Rs 5 a month

Having decided to waive dog tax in its budget estimate for the year 2009-10, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) is now reconsidering the decision.

With an assumption that dog owners are “affluent persons”, the Corporation has proposed to re-introduce dog tax at the rate of Rs 5 per month.

According to the civic body, the Delhi Municipal Act, 1957, has provisions of imposing a tax on certain vehicles and animals, including dogs. As per the provisions, MCD will charge a total sum of Rs 20: Rs 15 as a one-time registration amount, and an additional Rs 5 each month as tax from owners of pet dog.

As per the earlier approval to waive the dog tax, the municipal commissioner had directed civic officials to examine its other implications, such as regulation for keeping dogs. The civic body has also decided that withdrawing dog tax would require amendment in the DMC Act, which is a “cumbersome process.”

The civic body has submitted that the special tax was a pre-requisite for registration of dogs, and since pet dog owners fall mostly in the “affluent” category, they could easily bear the tax.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:31