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MCD offices open on weekends to collect dues

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Hindustan Times 24.12.2009

MCD offices open on weekends to collect dues

Offering a last chance to taxpayers to settle their outstanding property tax dues under its ongoing amnesty scheme, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has decided to keep its offices open during normal office hours on Saturday and Sunday.

The ongoing amnesty scheme for property tax payers allowing hundred percent waiver of interest plus full amount of penalty is coming to an end on December 31.

"Considering the past trend, it is expected that in the last week of December taxpayers may come in large numbers to avail the scheme. However, during the last week of the scheme there are public holidays for four days from December 25 to December 28. Therefore, to facilitate the taxpayers, our property tax offices will remain open during normal office hours on Saturday and Sunday for settlement of cases under the scheme and for collection of property tax," said a senior MCD official.

The civic agency said that the scheme will not be extended further than December 31.

"This is the final opportunity for Delhiites to avail the amnesty scheme. The scheme will not be extended further so the taxpayers are advised to pay property tax before December 31 and avoid penal provisions under the Delhi Municipal Act as MCD is in the process of matching the details being received from door-to-door survey and subsequently issuing notices to the defaulters," he added.

The civic body would charge the property tax for the period 2004-05 onwards even if the property is built before 2004, in respect to properties not in the tax net of MCD currently.

Taxpayers in area under the jurisdiction of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) will also be able to deposit their tax on all working days and also on Saturdays, Sundays and even during the coming holidays.

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2009 08:07