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Interest waiver on water tax

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Deccan Herald 08.01.2010

Interest waiver on water tax
Bangalore, DHNS:

Urban Development Minister Suresh Kumar, on Thursday, said the State Government would consider waiver of interest on water tax dues in the limits of urban local bodies.



He would hold talks with officers of Finance Department in this regard.
Speaking to reporters after conducting a video conference with DCs in Bangalore, Suresh Kumar said recovery of water tax dues in the limits of city corporations of Mysore, Hubli-Dharwad and Gulbarga had been very low. The public had been demanding waiver of interest on the dues.

Director of Municipal Administration Anjum Parvez said that water tax collection in Mysore till December 31 of 2009-10 was only 15 per cent. In Hubli-Dharwad the collection stood at 16.5 pc. City corporations from both the cities had sent a proposal to the State Government seeking waiver of interest, he said.

Suresh Kumar, in the video conference, took Bellary DC B Shivappa to task for lapses in taking up works under special grant of Rs 100 crore. He expressed surprise when the DC said that quality of cement, sand and concrete used for works was tested in a laboratory belonged to a contractor in Bellary. The government had released so far Rs 265 crore to seven corporations. Of that Rs 215 crore had been spent.

Varaaha shala

Davangere DC K Amaranarayan has suggested setting up of centres for pigs on the lines of goshala, on City outskrits. Pigs, shifted to the centre will feed on municipal wastes generated in hotels. With that menace of both pigs and management of solid waste will be solved. Pig reares will be motivated to take up an alternative profession.

Appreciating the suggestion, the minister named the proposed centre for pigs - varaaha shala.