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Water tax hiked

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The Hindu 21.01.2010

Water tax hiked

Staff Reporter

Deposit on connections too increased

VISAKHAPATNAM: While deferring the decision on hiking property tax, the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation on Wednesday decided to increase the deposit for water tap connection and water tax.

While the Opposition vehemently protested against the hike, Deputy Mayor K. Dorabbai reminded them that the deposit fixed was lower than mandated by the relevant GO more than two years ago as water position then was comfortable. Unless it was hiked, providing water might become difficult, he added. The deposit in the city was the least compared to other cities, he said.

Hike justified

MP Sabbam Hari said the corporation was justified in increasing as it had to maintain a massive supply network bringing water from a distance and also to support its development programmes.

After vociferous protest and a sit-in by Opposition members, the water tax for BPL connections was increased from Rs.40 to Rs.60, instead of the proposed Rs.120.

The proposed hike for domestic tap connection was Rs. 6,000 and Rs.7,000 (for property tax above Rs.1,000 a year) for 15 mm from the present Rs. 2,000; Rs.12,000 (from Rs.10,000) for 20 mm; for commercial connection to cinema theatres, schools etc. Rs.20,000.

For multi-storeyed buildings and apartments for 25 mm, the proposed hike was Rs. 30,000 or Rs. 5,000 per each flat, whichever was higher, from the present Rs.30,000 and for 50 mm Rs.60,000 or Rs.5,000 for each flat, whichever is higher, from the present Rs.60,000.

For 25 mm commercial connections, from the present Rs.50,000 it has been proposed to hike to a minimum of Rs.60,000 or 5,000 per each unit, whichever is higher. For 50 mm commercial connection, it was Rs.1.2 lakhs or Rs.5,000 for each of the units, whichever is higher.

Monthly tax

The monthly tax for 15mm domestic connection has been hiked from Rs. 80 to Rs.120 and for 20 mm Rs.80 to Rs.160. For multi-storeyed buildings, the proposed hike is Rs.10 a kl up to 5 kl and Rs.10 a kl up to 20 kl and Rs.15 a kl thereafter. However, a monthly minimum charge of Rs.600 is applicable in case there is no consumption.

For commercial connections, the tax proposed is Rs.10 up to 5 kl, Rs.20 a kl after that and Rs.40 kl for use above 20 kl. Minimum applicable charge is Rs.1,200 if there is no consumption. For bulk untreated water the proposed hike is Rs.20 a kl a month.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 January 2010 03:12