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The Hindu             04.07.2013 


Civic body may roll back property tax hike

The North Delhi Municipal Corporation is expected to roll back the hike in tax rates of non-residential properties which were hiked from 12 per cent to 20 per cent and refund the excess tax paid by the people.


August 31 deadline for disclosure of taxable properties

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The New Indian Express          02.07.2013

August 31 deadline for disclosure of taxable properties

“Citizens of Greater Hyderabad should submit their Voluntarily Disclosure of Property Tax forms in Citizen Service Centres (CSCs) at Circle offices or on the GHMC website before August 31”, GHMC commissioner MT Krishna Babu said.

Addressing the media at GHMC head office on Monday after the Prajavani programme, the commissioner said that a detailed survey with regard to property tax assessments is underway within GHMC limits and urged the citizens to disclose the property tax of un-assessed properties. Failure to comply would result in three years of property tax being levied as a penalty amount along with  penal action against non tax payers.

He appealed to all the non tax payers within the GHMC jurisdiction limits to avail the last and final opportunity for disclosing property tax. He also said that availing the civic services without paying property tax will be a crime as per law. “Every citizen must come forward to pay the property tax to avail improved civic works”, he added.

The commissioner said that the business establishments and shopping malls will be giving incentives to consumers who bring their own bags from July 1 as per GHMC instructions.

The business establishments have also been told to display the rates of the plastic carry bags (of above 40 microns), and appealed to the citizens to carry their own bags and get incentives (deduction of cost of the bag from total bill) from the business establishments to have a pollution free environment.


Pay property tax or face big penalty: GHMC

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The Hindu               02.07.2013

Pay property tax or face big penalty: GHMC

Special Correspondent

GHMC Commissioner M.T. Krishna Babu has urged owners of non-assessed properties to voluntarily come forward for assessment by giving details of their respective buildings to the nearest citizen service centre or get it self-assessed online on ghmc.gov.co.in website before Aug. 31.

He warned that failure to do so would attract a penalty fee payment of property tax for the three years in one go. He pointed out that a detailed survey of property tax assessments was underway and it was a matter of time before the civic body gets the complete information.

Availing civic services without paying property tax was a crime as per law and hence every citizen must come forward to pay the property tax.

He also advised business establishments to display rates of plastic carry bags (of above 40 microns) depending on their size prominently. Citizens getting their own shopping bags would get reimbursement of the bag cost in the final bill.


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