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Parks, property tax figure in South Delhi municipality meeting

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The Hindu       05.06.2012

Parks, property tax figure in South Delhi municipality meeting

Staff Reporter

It may have started with a squabble on which official sits where at the Civic Centre on Minto Road, but the South Delhi Municipal Corporation's second house meeting on Monday ended with discussions over the maintenance of parks and methods to collect property tax under its jurisdiction.

SDMC's Leader of Opposition Farhad Suri pointed to the lapse in collecting house tax from several properties that lie within the Corporation's limits. “House tax is the biggest revenue generator but collections have reduced over the years,” he said, adding that dishonoured cheques have also been a point of concern in collecting revenue. “Technology should be used in collection of tax where handheld devices can measure the size of the property and it can transmit the information to the officials at the property tax department,” said Mr. Suri.

He also pointed out that the Corporation is not receiving property tax or service charges from Central and State Government properties such as from the Northern Railway and Postal Department. “Since costs of rendering civic services are increasing each year, the Corporation has to raise revenue from internal sources,” he added.

The Councillors called for measures to make a list of properties that do not fall under the tax net and expressed views that property tax should not be collected from unauthorised colonies. “Urban villages should be exempted from house tax,” said a Councillor. “The forms that need to be filled in by the common man should be user-friendly and should not give rise to confusions,” said another one.

In addition, Councillors across party lines, highlighted the poor state of parks that fall under their wards and the lack of basic infrastructure necessary for their upkeep. “More trucks are required to clear the garden waste, there are a shortage of gardeners to work in the parks and trees and bushes require pruning,” said a BJP Councillor from Hauz Khas. “A distinction should also be made between parks with grass and playgrounds for children to play cricket. This way, trees are not affected,” she added.


Poor property tax collection puts GVMC in a spot

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The Hindu        22.12.2011

Poor property tax collection puts GVMC in a spot

Staff Reporter

Commissioner orders stopping of tax collectors' salaries

Poor property tax collection for the current year and piled up arrears have landed Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation in a spot.

Apart from meeting its regular commitments, the corporation is racing against time to complete at least some of the projects it took up under the Centrally-sponsored Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) for which it has to contribute 30 per cent of the cost.

The arrears for years together from various commercial establishments, government departments, and involved in court cases etc runs into about Rs.130 crore.

To realise a part of it, the tax collectors have been asked to issue ‘distraint notices' to top 25 defaulters in each of the six zones. Their not doing it has led to the Municipal Commissioner ordering stopping of their salaries for November.

Sources in the corporation say at least Rs.50 crore of the arrears is realisable. “Why should we take the blame from contractors for delay in payment of bills while tax due to us is with assesses?” the Commissioner was said to have remarked at a recent meeting.

Demand notices

The collection for the current year is also disappointing. The corporation has also issued demand notices for the second half-year (in two quarters). Against a total current demand of Rs.142 crore, so far only Rs.45 crore has been realised. For half-year alone, the demand has been put at more than Rs.70 crore. Now almost nine months into the financial year, even that has not been realised. The Municipal Corporation general body's unanimous resolution urging the government to limit the hike to 75 per cent above that of the tax prevailing in March 31, 2010, still awaits a decision.

Arrears from commercial establishments, government department run into about Rs. 130 cr

Tax collectors asked to issue ‘distraint notices' to 25 top defaulters in each zone


Steep hike in parking, property tax rates proposed

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The Hindu         08.12.2011

Steep hike in parking, property tax rates proposed

Staff Reporter

Presenting the budget estimates for the upcoming financial year, Municipal Corporation of Delhi Commissioner K.S. Mehra on Wednesday proposed a steep hike in parking and property tax rates and also introduced new charges like congestion and conservancy charges aiming to collect Rs.520 crore as additional revenue.

The newly-introduced congestion charges for the commercial areas in City, Karol Bagh and Paharganj zones of the civic body would be collected on certain roads which will be soon notified. “Residents and property owners of these areas will be exempted and given passes. Charges would be applicable to those who bring their vehicles into these areas from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.,” said Mr. Mehra.


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