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MCD plans to privatise tax collection

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Hindustan Times  08.12.2010

MCD plans to privatise tax collection

Unable to collect property tax from property owners, the MCD is now planning to privatise the tax collection system. According to sources, a proposal has been prepared by the property tax department of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) in which distribution companies might be given the charge of tax collection.

“Through privatisation, the distribution companies while collecting their electricity bills can always collect the property tax too. The proposal is yet to be cleared by the standing committee of the MCD," said a senior MCD official.

"The distribution companies can use their database to add more people in the property tax net. We have spoken power distribution companies and they are keen to assist us," added the official. If a property owner fails to pay property tax, a penalty of 30% will be levied.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 December 2010 10:52

MCD drafts proposal for higher property tax, clubs categories

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Indian E xpress      07.12.2010

MCD drafts proposal for higher property tax, clubs categories

Hamari Jamatia Tags : K S Mehra, MCD drafts proposal for higher property tax Posted: Tue Dec 07 2010, 03:20 hrs

New Delhi:  The MCD budget, to be presented by Commissioner K S Mehra on Wednesday, is likely to include a proposal for higher property tax. The number of categories in to which the MCD area is divided for purposes of tax is likely to be brought down from eight to two, sources said.

The ultimate fate of the politically-sensitive proposal is, however, uncertain. Last year too, the municipal agency had proposed a hike, but it was rejected by the legislative wing. This year may not be very different.

In the new proposal, Categories A, B, C, D and E, which include colonies at the higher end of the scale, and where homeowners pay correspondingly higher levels of tax, are likely to be clubbed together into one category, paying property tax at the rate of 15 per cent.

The proposal is likely to suggest that the existing Categories F, G and H be made the second category, paying 10 per cent tax. Currently, Categories A and B are charged at 12 per cent; C, D and E at 11 per cent and F, G and H at 7 per cent.

Yogender Chandolia, Chairperson of the MCD Standing Committee, said that the proposal to raise taxes would be opposed at the next Standing Committee meeting. “There are people who owe MCD a lot of money in terms of property tax. I think what ails the MCD is not low taxes but the fact that it is not being able to extract the present rates from many people. There are many who owe MCD more than Rs 5 lakh as tax,” he said. 

Leader of the Opposition Jai Kishen Sharma also said he would oppose the move. “There is no way property tax can be increased. We will oppose the move if it is tabled at the Standing Committee meeting,” he said.

The proposal to raise tax is linked to the MCD’s poor finances. MCD has been trying to increase its revenues for the past several months. In November, it said it would collect tax from villages and unauthorised colonies, but the notification had to be withdrawn in the face of opposition from Standing Committee members who expressed themselves against taxing the “poor”. The members argued that MCD had no right to levy taxes in areas where it cannot provide good sanitation and safe drinking water facilities.


MCD likely to raise property tax in city

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The Times of India        07.12.2010

MCD likely to raise property tax in city

NEW DELHI: The cash-strapped Municipal Corporation of Delhi is once again looking at increasing property tax rates in the capital. MCD commissioner K S Mehra will present his proposed budget estimate for the financial year 2011-2012 on Wednesday and MCD is looking at increasing the amount of taxes levied on residential as well as commercial properties.

MCD's political brass has, however, shot down the idea. "We will not levy more taxes on the people, even if it is proposed by the commissioner. The MCD needs to improve its revenue collection but this can be done by bringing more people into the tax net. There are more than 4,800 properties which owe MCD more than Rs 5 lakh in taxes. Officials should concentrate on recovering taxes from such properties first," said standing committee chairman Yogender Chandolia. "We might consider increasing property tax on commercial properties though," added Chandolia.

The commissioner's proposed budget presentation has been decided after meetings with various departments. After this, the deliberative wing of MCD will carry out extensive discussions for a month before approving the proposals. The deliberative wing has asked the commissioner to ensure the budget presented is not a deficit one.

The third Municipal Valuation Committee report — which is still pending with the MCD — had recommended re-categorising of colonies which were located near the Metro besides making several other proposals to improve property tax collections.


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