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Call to abide by MP's plea not to pay garbage tax

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The Hindu      06.12.2010

Call to abide by MP's plea not to pay garbage tax

Staff Reporter
Decision on garbage unacceptable to people: Opposition

VIJAYAWADA: The Opposition parties usually take objection to every word uttered by the ruling party leaders but this is a different matter here. Telugu Desam Party, CPI(M), CPI and Lok Satta leaders have appealed to the people of the city to honour the words of MP Lagadapati Rajagopal with regard to the issue of payment of garbage tax.

The Opposition leaders said as per the recent call of Mr. Rajagopal, the city people need not pay the garbage tax regardless of the notices being served on them. But here is a small twist here, the authorities of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation are smart enough to make it difficult for the people to avoid paying the garbage tax. It is because the officials included the garbage tax collection aspect in the property tax notice so that there is no escaping it.

On this, the Opposition leaders said the tax payers should insist on paying the property tax only excluding the garbage tax. If this kind of payment was not accepted at the VMC counters, the people should have to stop paying property tax as well till the Government comes down and withdraws the “arbitrary” garbage tax.

Speaking to reporters here on Sunday, a day ahead of the all-party protest against the garbage tax scheduled for Monday at Lenin centre, TDP MLA Devineni Umamaheswara Rao and CPI city secretary K. Subba Raju said it was time for the local MP to come before the public and clarify as to his open advice on not paying garbage tax still holds good. They further said instead of being preoccupied with foreign visits and business promotion, the MP should give a little focus on the people's problems also and resolve them,

The Opposition leaders asked the MP to intervene in the matter and see that garbage tax component is removed from the property tax notice so that it will facilitate the public to abide by his own advice.

The TDP and the Left parties leaders described the decision on the garbage tax as something that is totally unworthy and unacceptable to the people. They asserted that they would engage all sections of people in their agitation and this would include even the poorer sections, who were also being affected to a large extent because of this GO on garbage. They demanded that the GO should be withdrawn and the collection of this tax be put on hold with immediate effect.


Taxpayers oppose user charges

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The Hindu        06.12.2010

Taxpayers oppose user charges

Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA:The Taxpayers Association (TPA) termed the user charges for garbage lifting as undemocratic and unlawful. The Association wanted the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) to withdraw the user charges immediately.

Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, TPA president V. Sambi Reddy and secretary M.V. Anjaneyulu said that the Corporation was collecting conservancy tax, which is part of Property Tax (PT), for maintaining the sanitation etc. in the city. The user charges proposed for garbage would amount to double taxation for the same service. And, hence, it was unlawful.

More so, the VMC general body unanimously resolved against the user charges. Annulling the general body's resolution, the State government issued GO 973 which directs the Municipal Commissioner to take necessary steps for collecting user charges on municipal solid waste management. Memorandums were submitted to the then Mayor, deputy Mayor, Chief Minister and Municipal Administration minister. The people reacted vociferously against the proposal to levy user charges at many fora. And, it was evident, at a people ballot conducted by the CPI (M), and post card campaign. The people reacted in same fashion, when the CPI(M) conducted people ballot second time also, they said.

“Notwithstanding, the VMC served PT demand PT along with the user charges. The State government made a mockery of the public mood, and was implementing undemocratic policies,” they said. The burden would be Rs. 600 to Rs. 24,000 per annum on the people. And, the charges would increase year after year, as the user charges were aimed at collecting total operation and maintenance (O&M) cost, they said.


Suburb residents most curious about new tax system

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Indian Express  03.12.2010

Suburb residents most curious about new tax system

The new capital value-based property tax system will, once implemented, mainly impact tax for property in the island city. But much to the surprise of the civic administration, the majority of suggestions and objections have come from residents of the suburbs.

“Almost 65 per cent of the objections and suggestions have been received from the suburbs,” said a senior official of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).

The BMC got 216 suggestions and objections to the new system upon invitation. The civic administration had extended the deadline for inviting suggestions owing to poor response in the first 15 days.

“We are happy with the number of responses. In fact, we were sure that the majority of responses will come in the last two weeks,” said Ravikant B Dalvi, Deputy Assessor and Collector.

“We were expecting a better response from the residents of the city for whom the property tax structure is going to change drastically,” said the official.

Following the implementation of the new system, residents of South Mumbai will have a higher property tax assessment while those living in the suburbs will see a reduction in taxes. Popular suggestions and objections include that luxurious buildings should not be taxed differentially. Under the new system, the definition of ‘luxurious’ RCC building includes one that has a swimming pool, either a gymnasium, club house, jogging track, multi-level car parking having three or more levels, health club, servant quarters, private terrace as part of each flat.

According to officials, a large number of suggestions/objections include that the property tax should be charged on the carpet area and not the built-up area as proposed by the BMC.

The carpet area is the actual usable area, while the built-up area consists of the area outside the house, including staircase, elevator, etc, which can constitute up to 25 per cent of the area.

“If we calculate the property tax on the carpet area, which is less than the built-up area, the tax will be much lower,” said an official.

As the BMC hasn’t yet fixed the tax rates for property, most of the suggestion/objections also included queries on what was the fixed tax rate under the new system, said an official.

“At the end of the day, people are interested in knowing how much will they have to pay from their pockets,” the official added.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 December 2010 09:57

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