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Civic panel restores 3% octroi on gold

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The Times of India          07.10.2010

Civic panel restores 3% octroi on gold

PUNE: After a prolonged tug of war between the city gold merchants and the Pune Municipal Corporation, the standing committee on Wednesday cancelled its earlier decision to charge .35 per cent (35 paise per 100 rupees) octroi on VAT for gold and restored the earlier octroi charges of 3 per cent (Rs 3 per 100 rupees).

"The standing committee has decided to restore the old rate. Once the general body (GB) approves the same, 3 per cent octroi will be charge on gold and 1 per cent (Rs 1 per 100 rupees) on silver," standing committee chairman Arvind Shinde told reporters. While the NCP opposed the proposal, other parties, including Congress, BJP, Shiv Sena and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), supported the same.

In March, the standing committee had decided to impose .35 per cent octroi on VAT for gold and the state government accordingly had issued a government resolution (GR). However, last week, the committee decided not to execute the GR till 121 gold merchants pay a collective fine of Rs 330 crore for evading octroi on gold brought into the city in the financial year (FY) 2009-10.

"We have nothing against the gold merchants. All we want is that they pay octroi. But, they are personally targeting me. I am ready for a CID probe and challenge the gold merchants to come forward for the same" said Shinde.

It may be noted that in February, this year, after discussions with the gold traders association, the PMC had decided to charge .35% octroi on VAT for gold. However, in June, the sales tax department informed the PMC that for 2009-10, Rs 1,500 crore was filed as tax returns by gold merchants. Of that, Rs 1,200-crore worth gold was brought into the city and a trading of Rs 300 crore was done. Simultaneously, the PMC also found that as against its expected collection of Rs 35 crore from gold octroi, only Rs 5 crore was collected. The tax department then told the merchants to furnish details of their gold dealings, but did not receive any response.

The consequences were -- first, the department served notices on 121 merchants, charging them a collective fine of Rs 330 crore. Second, the standing committee approved a resolution that the octroi rates will not be executed till the fine was paid. Around two months ago, the merchants approached the state, demanding that the new octroi rates be executed immediately. The state issued a GR on September 18 saying that the new rates be charged starting October 18.

Fatechand Ranka, president of the Pune Saraf Association, had recently said that the standing committee has no right to overrule the GR, since they had already approved the new rate. Evasion of octroi and execution of the GR are different matters. The association had claimed that neither have the gold merchants done anything illegal nor have they evaded octroi. However, some corporators are deliberately defaming them.

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 October 2010 11:28

Non-payment of tax: cases against 4 BMC officials, 2 firms

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The Hindu  04.10.2010

Non-payment of tax: cases against 4 BMC officials, 2 firms

Staff Reporter

Mall, hotel charged with paying less tax in connivance with the officials

Prima facie found about discrepancies in assessment and collection of holding tax

Against two lakh properties in BMC limits, holding tax is said to be collected only for 73,000 units

BHUBANESWAR: Vigilance wing of State police registered cases against four officials of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation and managements of two commercial establishments for allegedly evading paying “actual” holding tax amount.

Assessment by State vigilance department showed two commercial establishments – one mall and a hotel – were paying tax amount lower than they were supposed to pay to BMC.

Upon finding prima facie about discrepancies in assessment and collection of holding tax, vigilance registered cases against four BMC officials and booked management of two establishments.

Vigilance department sources said the hotel in Chandrasekharpur area was paying Rs. 2.77 lakhs towards holding tax. But test assessment showed the hotel should have been asked to pay about Rs. 5.74 lakhs based on the space they use.

It was alleged that hotel management suppressed the exact area of commercial space in connivance with tax officials.

Similarly, a mall which has thousands of square feet under its use, was paying for only 6700 sq ft which accounted Rs. 43,540. But the mall should have paid Rs. 8.75 lakhs per annum.

Superintendent of Police Debadutta Patnaik confirmed that two cases had been registered against tax collectors and authorities of commercial establishments.

He said the vigilance department was going to bring other commercial establishments and educational establishments under the purview of investigation.

The BMC has been accused of not collecting holding tax to the potential.

Against about two lakh properties in the BMC limits, holding tax is based on 73,000 units. It is also alleged that BMC authorities have adopted soft approach to many educational institutes that had refused to pay holding tax.

Instead of taking these educational institutes to task, the BMC went on giving them time, it was alleged.

Last Updated on Monday, 04 October 2010 11:53

Corporators favour only 25% penalty

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The Deccan Chronicle  01.10.2010

Corporators favour only 25% penalty

Sept. 30: Corporators have asked the officials of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation to withdraw the decision to levy 200 per cent penalty on the owners of buildings who have not obtained an occupancy certificate. The standing committee led by the mayor, Ms Kartika Reddy, said, as per the GHMC Act, only 25 per cent of additional property tax can be levied in the form of penalty on the owners or builders for not obtaining an OC from the civic body.

The standing committee — comprising 15 corporators and the mayor as its chairperson — adopted a resolution stating only 25 per cent penalty should be levied as per the GHMC Act, and not 200 per cent as being claimed by the officials.

The ruling Congress-MIM alliance in the GHMC feared that the Opposition Telugu Desam would take the credit for reducing the penalty burden on citizens, if the ruling alliance delayed its decision. The TD has been demanding a reduction in penalty.

However, officials maintained that the GO 86 clearly states that 200 per cent penalty has to be collected from the owners of the flats or buildings until the time they obtain an occupancy certificate. The corporators do not have “full knowledge” of the GHMC Act and GO 86. The resolution adopted by the standing committee is not final. It will be sent to the state government for its opinion. The GHMC chief city planner said they will wait for a decision from the state government.

Last Updated on Friday, 01 October 2010 05:59

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