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Delhi property tax set to rise sharply

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The Times of India     15.06.2010

Delhi property tax set to rise sharply

NEW DELHI: The Delhi government's decision to increase the circle rates might prompt the Municipal Corporation of Delhi to revise its property tax rates upward too.

Experts feel as the circle rates have been increased by up to around 200% in certain areas, the property tax will be revised by around 100% in these areas. However, where the circle rate increase is not very steep, the revision in property tax could be lower.

In Delhi, property tax is fixed on the unit area basis. As the property prices are high in the posh areas - which are kept in the higher categories - the circle rates are fixed at a higher rate. Similarly, the property tax rates in those areas are also pegged at higher levels.

MCD may also revise property tax upwards

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The Times of India       15.06.2010 

MCD may also revise property tax upwards

NEW DELHI: The Delhi government's decision to increase circle rates of land and immovable properties in all circles may prompt the MCD to revise its property tax rates upwards.

Experts feel that as the circle rates have been increased by up to 200% in some areas, property tax will be revised by around 100% in these areas. In places where circle rates increase is not steep, the revision in the property tax could be lower.

In Delhi, property tax is fixed on the unit area basis. As the property prices are high in posh areas — which are kept in the higher categories —the circle rates are fixed at a higher rate. Similarly, the property tax rates in those areas are also pegged at higher levels.

Now, as the government has revised the circle rates upwards, MCD will use it to revise the property tax. Before the introduction of unit area method for calculation of property tax, the tax used to be levied on the basis of the value of the property. But, it led to lot of litigations. To remove the ambiguity and to introduce uniformity, the government introduced the unit area method. Under this, the property tax is calculated on the basis of prescribed unit area rate by the MCD.

In fact, Delhi government has already appointed a committee to revise the rates. The municipal valuation committee is likely to give the report by the end of this month. Experts feel that the revised circle rates will help the committee to prepare a report suggesting a rate hike. Any upward revision of the circle rates, will lead to huge jump in the MCD's revenue.

Meanwhile, MCD refused to comment on this issue. Said Leader of House Subhash Arya: "We are all waiting for the MVC report. Usually, the property tax hike is dependent on facilities available in colonies besides the property rates in the area. We cannot comment on property tax increase before the MVC submits its report. There will be deliberation on their recommendations before any hike in taxes can be introduced by MCD."

The committee will submit its report to Delhi government which will further forward the report to MCD. The report will then be submitted to MCD's standing committee and House. After deliberation on the report, public suggestions will be invited in this matter.

BBMP saddled with dud property tax cheques

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The Hindu       15.06.2010

BBMP saddled with dud property tax cheques

Staff Reporter

Cheques of even top builders and developers have bounced

Bangalore: The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is grappling with a new headache in the form of dishonoured cheques issued by citizens towards their property tax payment.

Not just ordinary people but even some of those presented by top builders and developers. Overall, an average of 30 cheques are dishonoured by the banks every day.

The property tax payments are made through either cheques or demand drafts. According to the Chief Accounts Officer (CAO), M. Ashok Kumar, the revenue officials had trouble pursuing those who made property tax payments through these bounced cheques.

“Many of those who have made these payments are not from the city, though they own property here. We have had trouble tracking them down,” he said.

A dishonoured cheque is a criminal offence. The civic authority can take serious note of this and file a criminal case under the Negotiable Instruments Act.

However, the BBMP has not initiated any action against those whose cheques have bounced.

BBMP sources said that payments made by a significant number of big builders and developers too have bounced. “Their property tax payment runs into lakhs, sometimes even crores. However, the BBMP has not taken any action against them,” the sources added.

Mayor S.K. Nataraj met senior revenue officials from all the eight zones in the city on Monday. Taking serious note of the increasing number of bounced cheques received by the civic authority, he directed the officials to take action against those who issued them. “I have also instructed them to file criminal cases against such persons. There is no other option,” he told The Hindu.

The BBMP has been able to collect Rs. 613 crore in the form of property tax so far. The first tax period opened on April 1 and the civic authority offered a five per cent rebate to those who made their property tax payment by May 30. The BBMP has set a target of collecting Rs. 1,100 crore as property tax for 2010-11. June 30 is the last day to make the first instalment tax payments without penalty. From July 1, penalty of two per cent will be levied.

Meanwhile, the Mayor criticised the officials for not furnishing the details that he had asked for during the meeting. “I had sent across a list of questions to the CAO a week ago. The CAO should have sent it across to the various zonal officials. However, the officials came to the meeting unprepared and were unable to furnish the required details,” he added.

He said that he had asked for details about the total value of the dishonoured/ bounced cheques, property tax collection so far, during 2008-09 and 2009-10, number of vacant sites, houses, commercial buildings and apartments in each zone, number of khata registrations and transfer applications, number of BBMP property that have been leased, number of property assessed under high value property slab and amount collected from these property, among others.

“I have given them 12 days' time to get back to me with all the details,” he said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 05:03

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