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Will house tax hike plug hole in MCD's coffers?

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The Times of India 11.12.2009

Will house tax hike plug hole in MCD's coffers?

NEW DELHI: MCD might have proposed an increase in property tax for both residential and commercial properties, and new taxes - to better its
services - but at the other end, crores of rupees are still spilling out of its coffers due to a lack of proper checks and balances.

Salaries paid to ghost employees is not the only problem. MCD is also losing money because of dishonoured cheques received as payment for property tax. The civic agency's budget says it loses crores in this manner, but there is no accounting of the exact amount. MCD has now decided to set up a committee at the central level to monitor the matter and initiate action against defaulters.

Said MCD commissioner K S Mehra: "Most dishonoured cheques we get are meant to be payment for property tax. The matter is not always pursued. But action will now be taken against defaulters."

Neither has MCD's attempt at bringing more people into the tax net been very sucessful. It had come up with an amnesty scheme earlier this year under which people who had not paid tax, would not be levied a penalty or interest on the pending amount. The last date for the scheme was October 31. But only 46,070 people came forward, from who MCD got Rs 100 crore.

Said Leader of the House Subhash Arya: "We were expecting to get Rs 1,000 crore. We have now extended the payment deadline to December 31. The Survey of India is carrying out a survey of properties in Delhi, details of which will be made available to MCD so that we can take action against property tax defaulters. Right now only nine lakh people pay property taxes, while there are 30 lakh properties in Delhi."

According to sources, the major defaulters are residents living in unauthorised regularised colonies. Meanwhile, government bodies like the Metro and Delhi Development Authority also owe MCD over Rs 500 crore. Said an MCD official: "The matter concerning Metro is ongoing in court, while the DDA issue has been taken up with the L-G."

But the money drain continues. MCD loses crores of rupees over parking. For instance there are over 250 illegal car parks in MCD areas. Said an MCD official: "We tried legalising some of these parking lots but did not get permission from the traffic police."

Property of tax defaulters sealed in Shimoga city

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The Hindu 11.12.2009

Property of tax defaulters sealed in Shimoga city

Special Correspondent

Water supply cut to buildings of water tax defaulters

SHIMOGA: Authorities of the Shimoga City Municipal Council (CMC) on Thursday began sealing property of property tax defaulters and disconnecting water supply to buildings of water tax defaulters.

The municipal administration had issued notices to the defaulters asking them to clear the dues within a month, failing action would be taken against them. On Thursday, four separate teams of the municipal authorities started sealing property of defaulters and disconnecting water supply to buildings of water tax defaulters.


According to sources in the CMC, delay in the payment of property tax and water tax under the self-assessment scheme had resulted in dues to the tune of Rs. 17 crore. It is estimated that Rs. 6 crore had to be collected annually by way of property tax and Rs. 2 crore by way of water tax in the city. However, only 50 per cent of the amount had been collected so far this year.

Deputy Commissioner Pankaj Kumar Pandey had instructed the municipal authorities to initiate stringent measures for recovery of outstanding property tax and water tax.

Last Updated on Friday, 11 December 2009 01:45

Property tax goes up 5%, professional tax comes in

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Indian Express 10.12.2009

Property tax goes up 5%, professional tax comes in

Civic budget

Municipal Budget 2010-11

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has proposed a hike in property tax rates in the 2010-11 financial year to boost its revenue collection.

Presenting a budget of Rs 6,346.70 crore on Wednesday, Municipal Commissioner K S Mehra proposed increasing property tax rates by 5 per cent across all categories.

Besides the 5-per cent flat hike, the budget proposes tax for rented and self-owned luxury commercial properties be charged at 20 per cent and 15 per cent respectively. These luxury commercial properties — starred hotels, malls, air-conditioned gyms, swimming pools and clubs, among others — are charged a 10-per cent tax at present.

Mehra also proposed a new professional tax for all Delhi residents, including traders and government employees, with a minimum monthly income of Rs 30,000. He said the proposed tax would be charged at the rate of Rs 100 to Rs 200 per month. Such tax is levied in cities like Chennai and Kolkata.

Denying charges that the civic body is proposing to hike property tax to make up for a decline in collection in the ongoing fiscal, Mehra said the MCD has in fact seen an increase in collection so far this year. According to details provided by him during the budget presentation, MCD has collected Rs 502 crore in property tax as of this November 16. The figure stood at Rs 417 crore on the same day last year.

Mehra also refuted Opposition charges that the MCD does not have enough money to meet its expenses and pay salaries to its employees. But, he added, there are many development projects for which the civic body “needs to supplement its revenue collection” — thereby implying that the tax hike proposal is justified.

Mehra said the corporation aims to collect Rs 1,400 crore as property tax in 2010-11 fiscal. To achieve that, he said the MCD has begun a drive with the Survey of India to identify property tax defaulters. He said once completed, results of the survey will enable MCD to bring an additional 30 lakh properties under its tax net.

Mehra said the Corporation has already managed to bring in more government agencies and private property owners under the tax net. He said MCD collected Rs 82.17 crore as property tax from government agencies, including the Central Public Works Department, Airport Authority of India, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Jawaharlal Nehru University and the India Trade Promotion Organisation, this fiscal.

Rs 69.51 crore was collected in property tax from these agencies last year, he said.

The municipal chief said 7.5 lakh people had filed property tax returns in the last fiscal — more than 8.3 lakh people have filed their returns so far this year.

According to Mehra, the Municipal Valuation Committee is currently evaluating the unit area method and the need to revise property rates of various colonies based on Consumer Price Index. Once the evaluation is done, the new tax rates will help MCD generate an additional Rs 1,040 crore, according to Mehra.

He claimed that total property tax collected so far this fiscal reveals the increasing popularity of MCD’s online property tax collection method and its general amnesty scheme.

Property tax: net gain?
Rs 502 crore
collected as of Nov 16, 2009

Rs 417 crore collected as of nov 16, 2008

8.3 lakh returns filed so far this fiscal

7.5 lakh returns filed in last fiscal

(Figures revealed by Municipal Commissioner K S Mehra during Budget presentation)

Total municipal revenue in 2009-10
Grants 12.60
Assigned taxes 10.87
Taxes and rates 42.88
Rent, fees, fines 2.53
Others 31.12
Total 100

Proposed expenditure in 2010-11
General administration 13.62
Licensing 0.11
Community service 2.99
Education 22.79
Public health and medical relief 13.39
Sanitation 13.34
Public works & street lighting (Engineering dept) 15.64
Veterinary services 0.90
Horticulture 3.27
Land and estate 0.49
Exclusive development expenses 6.74
Loan repayment 6.72
Total 100

All figures in paise

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 December 2009 11:33

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