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Waiting for the Mahatma

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The New Indian Express 15.08.2009

Waiting for the Mahatma

AWAITING INDEPENDENCE: Wrapped in cloth, Mahatma Gandhi's statue has been standing near the Town Hall Circle in Mysore.
MYSORE: The differences between the Mysore City Corporation (MCC) Mayor and MCC Commissioner's office over the unveiling of Mahatma Gandhi's statue at Gandhi Square Circle on August 15 came into full view, on Friday. Mayor Purushotham wants the statue to be unveiled on August 15, while the officials, according to him, is showing scant interest. Purushotham told reporters on Friday that he had informed the senior officials, including Commissioner Raykar, two weeks ago that Gandhi's statue should be unveiled on Independence Day. "The statue has been kept under wraps for more than 10 months now. If we delay it any further, we will have to suffer the wrath of an already enraged public", he said. Accusing the officials of indifference, the Mayor said he will go ahead with his plan to garland the statue.

It may be recalled that the statue was set to be unveiled on October 2, 2008, only for the event to be cancelled in the wake of senior freedom fighter Sitaram Iyengar's death.

Ever since, the Mahatma's statue has been awaiting its independence.

Mayor to boycott celebrations

The Mayor will go on a dharna after garlanding the Mahatma's statue at Gandhi Square on August 15. He will also boycott the Independence Day celebrations to protest "the indifference of MCC authorities and the dishonour shown towards the Mayor". He told Express that he would also boycott the hoisting of national flag at the corporation premises.

He said: "The statue will be unveiled by a child or a freedom fighter as the authorities have not followed my instructions to unveil the statue on the eve of I-Day."

Last Updated on Saturday, 15 August 2009 10:03