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PMC gets ready to create silent zones

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The Times of India 19.08.20009

PMC gets ready to create silent zones

PUNE: Municipal corporations have been asked to create silence zones within 100 metres of all educational institutions, hospitals, courts, places of worship, as well as impose restrictions at construction sites with immediate effect. The Pune Municipal Corporation, which received the government notification on Monday, is all set to notify the silence zones and take other measures to curb noise pollution.

For effective implementation of the noise pollution (control and regulation) rules, 2000, the environment department of the state government has also asked various state organisations, including municipal corporations and the police department, to appoint officers who will be the designated authorities to take the necessary action against noise pollution.

Member secretary of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Mahesh Pathak, told TOI that it has been two months since the notification was issued and that for effective implementation and public knowledge, the notification has been published. All the concerned authorities will be implementing the noise pollution control and regulation rules. For various departments, the concerned authorities have been specified, he said.

Speaking to TOI, additional municipal commissioner of the Pune Municipal Corporation, Umakant Dangat said the PMC received the notification on Monday. "We will have to carry out a survey of all the silence zones before notifying them. The notification has all the guidelines and we will act accordingly," he said.

As per the notification, the municipal corporation will be required to designate an officer (either the municipal commissioner, or additional or deputy commissioner) as the authority for implementing the noise control rules. The authority will be required to ensure enforcement of noise standards laid down under the environment (protection) rules, 1986 at source at construction projects, utilities for buildings (air-conditioners, diesel generator sets), and domestic appliances.
Importantly, the municipal corporations have been asked to include an action plan for noise control in the environment status report which is submitted annually. The action plan should include noise monitoring and noise mapping studies, the government has said. The corporation will not grant permission for development activities which are in conflict with the categorization of the zone.

Besides the municipal corporation, the police department, which will also have a designated authority for preventing noise pollution, will be required to initiate legal actions regarding violations. Heads of the government hospitals and schools will be required to enforce rules for maintaining the ambient noise standards for domestic appliances, and automobiles in their jurisdictions.
Similarly, the state transport department, regional transport office, Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation and the traffic police authorities (not below the rank of deputy superintendent of police) will be required to enforce rules regarding noise standards laid down under the environment (protection) rules, 1986 and motor vehicles Act, 1939.