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Rs 400-crore plan to beautify Gandhi Ashram on anvil

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Indian Express 19.08.2009

Rs 400-crore plan to beautify Gandhi Ashram on anvil

The state government has envisaged a comprehensive project for upgradation and beautification of the world famous historical Gandhi Ashram and its surrounding areas in Ahmedabad. The government has estimated the project cost at Rs 400 crore, and will soon send a detailed project report (DPR) to the Centre, urging it to extend liberal financial assistance for its implementation.

In fact, former Gujarat Governor Nawal Kishore Sharma had just a couple of days before the end of his tenure had written a letter to Union Minister for Tourism and Culture Kumari Selja, requesting her to consider the project envisaged by the state government and provide adequate funds for its implementation.

Confirming this development, State Tourism Minister Jay Narayan Vyas told Newsline on Tuesday that the government was keen to implement the project “to keep the Gandhian ideology and characteristic heritage attached to Sabarmati Ashram, which could be showcased to the younger generation not only in India but also across the world”.

Vyas said that as directed by the government, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) and the Centre for Environment Planning and Technology (CEPT) have jointly prepared a project report for the development and beautification of the Gandhi Ashram and its surrounding areas.

The proposed project includes renovation of the historical Dandi Bridge situated near the Sabarmati Ashram and widening of the nearby roads. It also envisages connecting the Dandi Bridge with the historical Dandi March route now being developed as “Dandi Heritage Route” under the Centre-sponsored Rs 1,860 crore project. The beautification of the entire area surrounding the Ashram through massive tree plantation and landscaping has also been included as a part of the proposed Rs 400 crore project.

In his letter to the Union Tourism Minister, former Governor Sharma had expressed his concern over some issues confronting the Ashram and had emphasized the need for developing and upgrading the historical place to attract more domestic and foreign tourists.

The issues raised in the letter included the heritage structure lying in disuse, lack of consolidated public space around the historic precincts, decreasing visitors’ inflow at the Ashram, lack of basic infrastructure for tourists, and obsolescence due to proximity of slums to the place.

Under the project, it is proposed to construct a six-lane 1,000 metre-long bridge across the Chandrabhaga Nala near the Ashram in an effort to divert the increasing vehicular traffic from Ashram Road to the 132-feet Ring Road, with an estimated cost of Rs 153 crore. Besides, over Rs 20 crore is proposed to be spent on developing a 36 metre-wide and 500 metre-long pedestrian pathway for creating a silent zone around the Ashram area.

The restoration and development of Dandi Bridge, with landscaping and river side plaza, will involve an estimated cost of Rs 12.62 crore, while another Rs 12.42 crore is proposed to be spent on the development and beautification of the main road facing the Ashram. It includes carriage-way, parking area, walk-way, kiosk, toilet block and other facilities.

“We have mooted plans to give a new and refreshing face-lift to the famous Dandi Bridge from where Mahatma Gandhi had undertaken the historical Dandi Yatra on March 12, 1930. It is also envisaged to divert vehicular traffic on Ashram Road so as to save the Gandhi Ashram from noise pollution and preserve the serenity and sanctity of the place,” Vyas added.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 11:20