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MCC continues drive against petty shops

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Deccan Herald 20.08.2009

MCC continues drive against petty shops
Mangalore, Aug 19, DH News Service

Continuing its drive against unauthorised petty shops, MCC demolished illegal petty shops in Urwa store Market on Wednesday.

The labourers demolished and dismantled about eight to 10 petty shops and temporary structures erected by the street vendors on the occasion.

Speaking to Deccan Herald, MCC Commissioner Dr Vijayaprakash said “MCC had cleared the footpaths in Fr Muller’s road and Falnir road recently. This is our fourth operation in the recent days. Owing to the encroachment of the roads, the roads have become congested in several places. The roadside vendors are causing lot of inconvenience to the pedestrians, especially women. The drive will continue in those places where the roads have become congested,” Vijayaprakash added.