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Indore Municipal Corporation council passes 17 proposals in 5 minutes flat

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The Times of India   10.08.2012

Indore Municipal Corporation council passes 17 proposals in 5 minutes flat

INDORE: The BJP-ruled council of Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) passed 17 proposals at a meeting on water, drainage, storm water line, gardens, education and construction of bridges and culverts etc in five minutes flat on Thursday amid pandemonium in the meeting over demand for discussions on proposals.

The session of council lasted only for 40 minutes out of which around 20 minutes were devoted to paying tributes to Rajesh Khanna, Dara Singh and Prabhakar Joshi while only five minutes were devoted to pass the important proposals.

After paying the tribute, the meeting was adjourned for five minutes and then began with a demand for question hour from the opposition bench, which was denied by the chairman citing rules.

"Suspended House cannot have a question hour session," chairman of the House Rajendra Rathod said, assuring that from next time he will kept separate time for the question hour. Chairman had suspended the House for five minutes after paying the tribute. "The demand made by the opposition was not in accordance with the rule of the house," Rathod said.

The argument failed to satisfy opposition and they created ruckus and surrounded the chairman. Subsequently, the chairman passed 17 proposals listed in the work list with majority without any discussion in just five minutes.

On the other hand, leader of opposition Abhay Verma blames that it was a ploy by the ruling party to avoid discussion. "Firstly, chairman suspended the house without any reason and then they argued that discussion cannot held in the suspended house as per the rule," said Verma adding that there were proposals like water and cancellation of contract of a private company.

Mayor Krishnamurari Moghe said opposition does not have any argument and they do not want to enter into any discussion. They created pandemonium in the house, she said.

Last Updated on Friday, 10 August 2012 09:37