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MC receives clearances for new schools, dispensaries

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The Indian Express   18.08.2012

MC receives clearances for new schools, dispensaries

The Municipal Corporation has received the requisite clearances for the construction of new schools and dispensaries.

While the departments of Primary Health and Primary Education were transferred to the civic body, the construction of no new buildings had been started as the projects were stalled due to the lack of clearances from different departments. With the clearances in place, the process of initiating work on these projects can be started soon.

The sites of four primary schools were awaiting clearances. Of these, clearances have been received for the Government Primary School, Dhanas and the Government Primary School, Mauli Jagran, along with the approval from the Finance Secretary. The architectural drawings for the schools will now be made.

At the site of the Government Primary School, Sector 63, a cement plant of the Chandigarh Housing Board is present. A request will be required to be sent to CHB for its removal after which the drawings will be made.

For the primary school at Sector 49, the drawings will be issued within a couple of days. The structural advice received from the MC’s Chief Engineer has been incorporated in the drawings and these will be issued soon. For the construction of a building, clearances are required from a number of departments, including the electricity department, public health wing and telecom companies, among others. This is to ensure that the site is clear of wires or any other obstructions.

Meanwhile, in case of dispensaries, two buildings will be constructed in the first phase and two others in the second. Drawings are under preparation for civil dispensaries in Sectors 49 and 50 and sites have been cleared. The drawings for a dispensary in Sector 52 have been supplied for structural advice. Another site was proposed in Sector 48. However, it is now being proposed that instead of a dispensary, a polyclinic should be constructed here. The scope of the dispensaries will be given by the Director, Health Services.

Mayor Raj Bala Malik said that the Architecture Department will be supplying the drawings, after which the construction will be started. “A meeting was held with the UT Chief Architect. The requisite clearances that would enable the starting of the construction of the schools and dispensaries have been received,” she said.

Swimming pool to be built in Sector 39

The UT Architecture Department has also given permission for the transfer of a piece of land in Sector 39 to the Municipal Corporation for the construction of a swimming pool. Councillor Mukesh Bassi during the meeting on Friday sought permission for the renovation or extension of community centres in Sectors 18 and 19. The entrance of the community centre in Sector 19 will be changed. He also asked for permission to put up lights along the pathway in the green belt on the dividing road of Sector 18-19 for which in-principle approval has been given.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 August 2012 10:25