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Officials of Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon meet over IAF zone issue

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The Times of India                   07.03.2013  

Officials of Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon meet over IAF zone issue

GURGAON: The municipal commissioner Ashok Sangwan on Wednesday held a meeting with officials from all departments in the city, including official from the Air Force to freshly demarcate the area that falls within the 900 metres of the IAF depot. While the Supreme Court has put a ban on any sort of construction activity in this restricted zone, the high court has asked the MCG to freshly demarcate the zone.

In the meeting the commissioner directed all senior MCG officials to visit various areas in this zone and if they come across any freshly built structures, they should immediately pull it down. In case of a repeat offender, the commissioner has directed a contempt of court case to be filed against the defaulter.

"The new commissioner held the meeting to take stock of the steps taken in accordance with high court order. While most of the steps that we told the court that we would take have already been implemented, while a couple of them are yet to be taken. These include freshly demarcating the 900 metres zone. We will hold a meeting with all departments concerned shortly and after seeking their opinion in this matter, we will begin the demarcation process," said a spokesperson.

The municipal commissioner also requested senior police officials who were present in the meeting to readily provide adequate police force whenever the MCG enforcement team goes to a spot to demolish a building. In the recent past there have been several instances where the team had to beat a hasty retreat because the agitated mob started pelting stones at them. The cops assured the MCG commissioner that they will provide the needed armed force whenever requested.

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 March 2013 07:20