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The first single-window office by BBMP

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The New Indian Express                      11.03.2013

The first single-window office by BBMP

The Jayanagar 9th block office resolves several issues related to various departments | EPS
The Jayanagar 9th block office resolves several issues related to various departments | EPS 

In Jayanagar 9th block, the BBMP's office is different. Unlike the many offices it has across the city, this one stands out for being the first and a single-window at that, for all vital departments like public works, health and Bangalore water supply, sewage board among others.

An initiative strongly supported by CK Ramamurthy, who has been accorded a corporator status by BBMP, the office was as a result of the corporator's direct interaction with people. He says, "I realised that the public was facing lot of complications in sorting out their civic issues for which they had to go to departments which are in different areas."

The corporator discussed the plan with the concerned authorities of BWSSB as well as health and engineering who were more than willing to send in one of their official to the office, daily. "This will enable the public to interact directly with the officers and workers of the departments. Further, the representatives of these departments will be available in the office between 9 am to 11 am every working day to receive the complaints from the public directly and resolve them on the spot," he explained.

Being the first-of-its-kind in Bangalore, the Corporator wants the public to utilise the opportunity. "It's been in operation from past one month and we see people rushing during morning hours with their civic problems. Whether it is for tree cutting, dog menace, street light issue...every problem can be brought to notice here. We also have the ward committee people coming over to attend to public complaints. As a matter of fact, the public has requested me to put another department to handle tax issues. I will be speaking to the authorities concerned and try to address the requests as early as possible. Soon we will have facilities for senior citizens too," he said.

The facilities can be availed by people residing in Jayanagar 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th block. "People from areas under ward no.168 can come and get their problems sorted out," said Ramamurthy.

The citizens have welcomed the new concept with open hands. "Often, I used to struggle running in various directions to get the civic problems sorted out. But this single-window has given us some relief," said Jagadish Kumar, a resident of Jayanagar 9th block.