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Asaram under fire for wasting water in times of drought

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The Times of India                          19.03.2013

Asaram under fire for wasting water in times of drought

NAGPUR: Controversial godman Asaram Bapu's pre-holi celebration by wasting gallons of potable water amidst worst-ever drought in major parts of state has drawn action from Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). Penalty has been imposed on Asaram's organization Shri Yoga Vedanta Seva Samiti on Monday. Mayor Anil Sole and municipal commissioner Shyam Wardhane also urged all citizens to prevent wastage of water especially during upcoming Holi festival.

Asaram was in the city on March 16 and 17 and sprinkled potable water mixed with natural colours on large number of devotees at Kasturchand Park on the last day of congregation. NMC said some 1.82 lakh litres potable water was supplied during the two-day programme through 22 water tankers of which over 50,000 litres was sprayed on the devotees. The water would be enough for drinking needs of over 20,000 persons for one day. This was not the first time when such celebration was held in the city by Asaram. The same programme is being organized since a few years.

Wardhane told TOI notice was issued to president of Asaram's organization Parmanand Kushlani who had asked for water for drinking purpose. "NMC asked the organization to deposit a penalty of Rs 9,391. Notice along with penalty was slapped according to provisions in Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act. Western Maharashtra, Marathwada and other parts of the state are facing a severe drought. Water is very precious and should be utilized in a judicious manner. Citizens should also prevent wastage of water especially during Holi. Potable water should not be utilized for purposes other than necessary," he said.

NMC's water works department charged penalty by calculating charge at commercial rate of Rs 66.15 per unit. Earlier, NMC's private operator Orange City Water Limited (OCWL) had charged Rs 3,763 from Asaram's organization at residential tariff of Rs 5.51 per unit. The organization deployed its own tankers and NMC provided potable water from Seminary Hills reservoir.

Shockingly OCWL first proposed to supply water free of cost. On March 13, an OCWL official wrote to NMC's executive engineer Azizur Rehman saying, "Organization has asked for 55 tankers. The charges come to Rs 8,813.20. But they expect us to provide water free of cost. Kindly advise us." However, Rehman asked it should be charged at residential tariff with tankers being provided by the organization. The NMC acted after water wastage was highlighted by a section of media on Sunday.

Besides water wastage, the devotees also added to the abuse of Kasturchand Park. A visit to the ground on Monday revealed many violations especially at Band Stand which was utilized as rest room by the organization's activists for three days.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 09:56