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Biogas plant at Secretariat

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Business Line                         25.03.2013

Biogas plant at Secretariat

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has commissioned a biogas plant on the Government Secretariat campus. Bio Flame-Biogas and Energy Pvt Ltd installed the plant, which can process up to 100 kg of biowaste an hour and produce eight to 10 kg equivalent of fuel. D.S. Sreekantan Nair, under-secretary, housekeeping department, said that waste drawn mainly from the in-house canteen will be processed by the plant. The fuel generated will be used for cooking and the slurry directed into the garden as manure. An incinerator is likely to come up in the vicinity. A suitable site to house the Rs.18-lakh project has already been identified near the bio-gas plant. The work is expected to be completed by April this year.