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Names can be incorporated in birth certificate

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The Hindu 16.09.2009

Names can be incorporated in birth certificate


Special Correspondent

VISAKHAPATNAM: The State government has issued a GO amending the AP Birth and Death Registration rules 1999 facilitating incorporation of child’s name in the birth certificate.

This is for the sake of those who have completed 15 years but whose names have not been incorporated in their birth certificates.

The GO MS No. 167 HM and FW (D) of August 13, 2009 provided the facility for a period of two years, ending on August 12, 2011 during which name of a child could be incorporated in his or her birth certificate by applying to the local municipal corporation, municipality or Gram Panchayat, District Medical and Health Officer and District Registrar of Births and Deaths J. Sarojini informed at a press conference here on Tuesday.

This is a one-time offer and the government gave the opportunity following requests received from people and government departments as those applying for a passport or a visa were facing problems because the name of an applicant is not mentioned in the birth certificate, as generally the parents’ names are mentioned and only the sex of the new born baby is indicated in the birth register.

Easy process

This would also eliminate the lengthy process of the parents submitting an application to the concerned authorities to testify the name of their child.

The fee for incorporating the name of child in the birth certificate would be decided by the local body concerned.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 13:07