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New chairpersons of three MC sub-panels elected unanimously

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The Indian Express                     12.04.2013

New chairpersons of three MC sub-panels elected unanimously

After initial tussles, the chairpersons of the three sub-committees of the Municipal Corporation were elected unanimously. While for two sub-committees, nominated councillors were named as chairpersons, a Congress councillor will be heading the third sub-committee.

Congress councillor Sat Parkash Aggarwal was elected the chairman of the Roads Committee. Dr Shagufta Parveen will be the chairperson of the Water Supply and Sewerage Disposal Committee while Babu Lal will be the chairman of House Tax Assessment Committee.

The run-up to the elections witnessed tussles in the MC over the post of chairperson for the Water Supply and Sewerage Disposal Committee. Nominated councillor Surinder Bahga filed his nomination against councillor Dr Shagufta Parveen. However on Wednesday, Bahga withdrew his nomination following which Dr Parveen was unanimously elected. She was the chosen candidate of the Congress and nominated councillors.

Congress councillor Sat Prakash Aggarwal, who was in the race to be named the mayoral candidate by the party but was overlooked, was made chairman of the Roads Committee. Aggarwal had reportedly been miffed at not having been considered to be made member of Finance and Contract Committee as well.

With the elected representatives generally wary of being chairperson of the House Tax Committee, a nominated councillor was put at the helm. It was the nominated councillors who had proposed the agenda for imposition of the house tax.

The notification for another nine committees by the UT Administration is awaited.