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Bhubaneswar Development Authority launches open adalat to address grievances

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The Times of India                  17.04.2013 

Bhubaneswar Development Authority launches open adalat to address grievances

BHUBANESWAR: To better address the grievances of citizens, the Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) launched an 'open adalat' here on Tuesday.

As many as 220 grievances relating to land transfer, allotment of government lands, plots, shops and markets, and building plan approval were heard by BDA officers on the first day of the adalat. "The objective of the adalat is to bridge the gap between BDA and citizens. The citizen-friendly adalat will bring in transparency in the functioning of the development authority," BDA vice-chairman Vishal Dev said. The adalat is likely to be held once in two months.

BDA officials were flooded with complaints relating to encroachment on government land, delay in approval of building plans and harassment by some BDA employees among others. Some participants raised fingers at the comprehensive development plan (CDP), prepared for overall development of the city by 2030. "Though I had purchased a land from BDA nearly 10 years ago, now nearly 50% of the land has been earmarked for a drain in the CDP. I have been running from pillar to post to resolve the problem, but to no avail," said a participant.

Another complainant Rakhya Bi brought to the notice of BDA officers the rampant unauthorized expansion of houses, sold by BDA in Chandrasekharpur. "A man living on the top floor of the building where I stay on the ground floor has started constructing another room. When I protested, he scolded me," she said. BDA authorities assured her of action. "We will first issue eviction notice to the man and later cancellation notice of his allotment of the house," Dev said.

Apart from the adalat, the BDA has a grievance redressal system, which is being held every Monday. Though it pays heed to grievances of all nature, the grievance sessions hardly witness a footfall beyond 50 people. The BDA expects more participation at the adalat in the coming days. "We got a good response on Tuesday. We will go for massive awareness and publicity campaign to drive home the point. People would be made aware of the event much in advance," Dev said.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 12:08