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VMC to ensure fire safety in its buildings

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The Times of India              22.04.2013

VMC to ensure fire safety in its buildings

VADODARA: The Vadodara municipal corporation (VMC) that is supposed to implement fire safety norms in the city, itself seems to be lacking on this front. To take care of the lacunae in the system, the civic body has issued an advisory to all its officials asking them to take a series of steps to ensure that fire safety is taken care of.

From precautionary measures to refurbishing of electrical wirings and installing fire fighting equipment on its premises - the civic body has issued a long advisory to all its key functionaries. The move comes 2.5 years after a Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission ( JNNURM) team had suggested that the civic body should look into the matter. The VMC had also prepared a plan for fire safety in all its establishments.

The ageing Khanderao Market headquarters of the civic body has seen a couple of minor incidents of fire in the recent past. While major damage has been averted in the recent past, the BJP office in the VMC headquarters had been gutted in a fire in January 2011.

The series of instructions issued earlier this month include using conduit pipes for electrical wiring and installing miniature circuit breakers. It has also been suggested that sufficient number of fire extinguishers should be installed and the security staff should be trained to use them. Special attention will have to be paid to stores and similar places that have crucial documents or equipment. Officials have also been asked to ensure that smoke detectors are installed.

Other suggestions include ensuring that inflammable material is not stored in VMC offices and if this is done, proper safety measures are in place. Officials have also been asked to get rid of unnecessary material and papers. The fire department has been asked to prepare a response plan to deal with fires in any VMC premises. It has also been suggested that flooring, roofing and partitions that are fire resistant should be used by the civic body. 
Last Updated on Monday, 22 April 2013 11:12