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Municipal polls on backburner

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The Statesman             29.04.2013

Municipal polls on backburner

KOLKATA, 29 APRIL: The state government will take a decision regarding holding elections of 13 municipalities only after the stalemate on panchayat elections is resolved. The state municipal affairs secretary, Mr B P Gopalika today held a meeting with officials of the State Election Commission (SEC) over delimitation and reservation of seats. The state government has said the task of reservation of seats can be completed only around mid-week of July. Meanwhile, the state government seems to be ready for confrontation with the commission over dates of municipal polls. “The state government had wanted to hold municipal polls along with panchayat polls. It will take a decision on municipal polls only after the impasse over panchayat polls is resolved,” said a senior minister of the Cabinet. The SEC has already moved court over holding panchayat polls after there was a deadlock and the commission accused the government of not holding “effective consultation” before unilaterally declaring the dates of panchayat polls. The matter is still pending before the Calcutta High Court.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 07:18